[un/loquer] Fwd: How the Latest NASA Launch Can Change Communication

kalashnikov kalashnikov en otrabanda.org
Mie Oct 16 15:00:24 UTC 2013

espere a que une saque el 5g laser .....

On Wed, Oct 16, 2013 at 9:57 AM, Fabio Barone <holon.earth en gmail.com> wrote:

> gracias kalash,
> ya sabes que mi interés especifico es hacer llegar internet a un cierto
> lugar... :)
> 1.4km no es suficiente creo... ;)
> 2013/10/16 kalashnikov <kalashnikov en otrabanda.org>
>> no creo que se un problema de tecnologias
>> sino de quienes la usan y no saben usarla, las comunicaciones que tenemos
>> son buenas solo que no se saben usar
>> y ademas eso de laser es como una escusa mediatica para la quebrada nasa
>> si uno busca ronja en internet se da cuenta de que eso ya estaba hace
>> rato solo que como es un proyecto de usuarios reales y no de empresas
>> ..........
>> http://ronja.twibright.com/
>> escale la tecnologia sin una empresa que le inyecte plata y vera que esa
>> si es una opcion buena
>> On Wed, Oct 16, 2013 at 9:24 AM, Fabio Barone <holon.earth en gmail.com>wrote:
>>> un articulo que habla sobre la transmisión de datos sobre una linea
>>> laser, en lugar de usar ondas radio. y explica de los problemas de la
>>> transmisión radio, wifi, etc.
>>> pregunta:
>>> esta es la NASA. hay alguna posibilidad de reproducir una tecnología
>>> similar "de garage"/ de cacharreo a escala mas pequeña y mas barata, con el
>>> fin de conexiones rapidas? O es pura ilusión. :)
>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>> From: Resilient Communities <admin en resilientcommunities.com>
>>> Date: 2013/10/15
>>> Subject: How the Latest NASA Launch Can Change Communication
>>> To: holon.earth en gmail.com
>>>     Having problems viewing this email? View this post on our website<https://cs962.infusionsoft.com/app/linkClick/1907/ce5ac826842c1185/3590336/0d351511535c12da>
>>> .
>>>      [image: printlogo-1329425488189.jpeg]
>>>        How the Latest NASA Mission Can Change Communication
>>> Last month, NASA launched the Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment
>>> Explorer (LADEE).  The mission included a prototype to test long range
>>> laser communications protocols between the moon and the Earth with results
>>> anticipated to be approximately 3000 times faster than traditional radio
>>> communication technologies.
>>> The radio technology used today is not much more advanced than what was
>>> used during the Apollo missions of the 1960’s.  The LADEE mission hopes to
>>> break this cycle by introducing new technology capable of revolutionizing
>>> communications both in space and here on the ground.
>>> LADEE was scheduled to reach a lunar orbit on October 6th.
>>> Unfortunately, the government shutdown has made finding information about
>>> the mission nearly impossible.  The LADEE mission homepage greets visitors
>>> with a canned message about the federal budget; yet another unfortunate
>>> side effect of the government’s inability to put citizens first.
>>> [image: ladee1]<https://cs962.infusionsoft.com/app/linkClick/11974/9984d59b260afed2/3590336/0d351511535c12da>
>>> The mission brings with it the promise of high-speed data transmission –
>>> as much as 200 Gbps.  Better yet, the technology uses approximately 25%
>>> less power than current radio technology. Cloud cover can impede this type
>>> of data transfer, however, LADEE has redundant ground stations throughout
>>> the country meaning weather conditions are unlikely to affect the system.
>>> For comparison’s sake, let’s take a look at current radio technology and
>>> some of its limitations as a communications tool.
>>>  Current Radio Communications Systems
>>> Most modern communications systems rely on radio waves for
>>> transmission.  Even in communities where fiber optic transmission lines are
>>> the norm, the end-user typically relies on radio waves in the form of Wi-Fi.
>>> Although there have been significant advancements in Wi-Fi technology in
>>> recent years, there are quite a few limitations that are beginning to
>>> manifest themselves as our need for information continues to grow.
>>>  [image: ladee2]<https://cs962.infusionsoft.com/app/linkClick/11976/5104e252f42d276a/3590336/0d351511535c12da>
>>> In general, radio technology is:
>>> *Slow* – Compared to the laser technology promised by LADEE, radio
>>> waves cannot compete in terms of speed.  As we continually rely on more
>>> data-intensive applications, speed is becoming even more important than it
>>> has been in the past.
>>> *Capacity* – Many experts have stated that current radio technology is
>>> already at capacity.  In other words, we are consistently exceeded the
>>> bandwidth allotted by these systems and growth from this point forward is
>>> marginal at best.
>>> *Security Concerns* – Wi-Fi and other radio based signals are easily
>>> jammed or intercepted.  Online fraud and identity theft are at an all-time
>>> high.  Much of this crime can be attributed to compromised wireless
>>> networks.  For example, the massive TJX credit card theft a few years ago
>>> was accomplished when hackers gained access to an unsecured Wi-Fi network
>>> at a retail location.
>>> *Damage* – In 2008, most of the Middle East and India lost all Internet
>>> access after trans-Atlantic fiber lines were severed.  The current
>>> infrastructure is susceptible to damage from natural disasters, terrorist
>>> attacks, and hardware failure.
>>> *Signal Degradation* – Radio communications degrade quickly across
>>> relatively short distances.  The technology being tested by NASA allows for
>>> communications across vast distances quickly and reliably.
>>> Right now, approximately three billion people do not have access to
>>> Internet service.  LADEE could bring global connectivity to these
>>> communities quickly and easily.
>>>  Your Daily Life
>>> How will this technology change your life? Simply speaking, it’s the
>>> next wave of internet connections.
>>> Laser cables are already being used by internet providers, but this will
>>> move the same light transmissions over the air. It creates an endless
>>> number of high-speed uses and applications.
>>> Remember, leveraging proper technology is the key to becoming
>>> independent. Right now, there are approximately three billion people we
>>> cannot communicate with easily.  Is it safe to say we could probably learn
>>> a thing or two about resiliency from these communities?  A new gardening
>>> technique?  Better food preservation methods?
>>> The possibilities are endless.
>>> Faster, more reliable connections with more people around the world
>>> means we can work together more easily. Even existing lines of
>>> communication are improved as information transmission methods improve.
>>> Collaboration becomes a convenient reality
>>> The LADEE technology is capable of transmitting so much data
>>> simultaneously that it would be the equivalent of 100 HD television shows.
>>> Think of how much more data could be shared with like-minded individuals
>>> around the world?
>>> Right now, O3B (the Other 3 billion), a global telecommunications
>>> company, is working to supply reliable communication to many communities
>>> without Internet access.  Current initiatives rely on radio technology but
>>> the company is already looking at alternatives thanks to the research being
>>> done by NASA and the LADEE mission team.
>>> Other companies are also looking at this mission as a glimpse into the
>>> future of radio telecommunications.  Whether LADEE is a success or not,
>>> it’s clear that the demand for improved communications standards is
>>> increasing.
>>> Although we cannot depend on technology like this forever, we are
>>> well-served to leverage it when possible to further our knowledge and
>>> simultaneously lessen our dependence on a failing system.
>>> [image: ladee3]<https://cs962.infusionsoft.com/app/linkClick/11978/a9315f102c6af0f4/3590336/0d351511535c12da>
>>>       For your convenience, Resilient Communities will deliver articles
>>> straight to your inbox each time a post is made! We look forward to the
>>> ongoing conversation and you're always welcome to post your comments at
>>> www.resilientcommunities.com<https://cs962.infusionsoft.com/app/linkClick/1919/9e83c1bdea0fd1ca/3590336/0d351511535c12da>.
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