[un/loquer] Printoo - Printed electronics prototyping platform

Fabio Barone holon.earth en gmail.com
Mie Abr 2 17:43:15 UTC 2014

Hola gente,
me atreví a contestarles a esta gente de una vez.
Espero estén de acuerdo.

A mi me parece muy interesante lo que ofrecen.
Entonces nos están pidiendo ideas de que haríamos
nosotros con esa plataforma.

Que piensan?

A mi se me ocurren por ejemplo más circuitos
para el asistente de jardin por ejemplo.

O unos drones livianos solares...

Me gustaría conversar sábado sobre esto,
pero vamos postando ideas por este thread también
si están de acuerdo.

2014-04-02 11:30 GMT-05:00 António Moreira <amoreira en printoo.pt>:

> Hi,
> I'm writing you from a Printed Electronics start-up called Ynvisible.
> We´re now working on a project called Printoo, an open-source, paper-thin,
> flexible, and modular Arduino-compatible platform. Some of the modules
> available with Printoo are novel Printed Electronics technologies never
> before made available to the maker community.
> We're going to launch Printoo on Kickstarter soon, but we'd like to show
> you a preview beforehand:
> *https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1030661323/1377524810?token=e7f05e66
> <https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1030661323/1377524810?token=e7f05e66>*
> We believe it is a great platform to easily and quickly create concepts
> for smart-phone controlled vehicles (it comes with Bluetooth LE), smart
> wearables, internet of things, interactive posters/cards, or even to give
> life to 3D printed objects. We've begun showing it to Maker communities
> close to us - at AltLab (Lisbon Hackerspace) and local FabLabs - and were
> met with great enthusiasm which we hope you will share.
> We'd love to have your feedback on this and most of all, we'd love to see
> what you and the members of your hackerspace could do with this platform.
> If you're interested, we'd love to present Printoo and talk a little bit
> about Printed Electronics through Skype or Google Hangouts.
> *www.printoo.pt <http://www.printoo.pt>* // *www.facebook.com/theprintoo
> <http://www.facebook.com/theprintoo>*
> Best regards,
> Manuel Câmara
> PS: Apologies if this project is not of interest to you. We will not send
> you further emails other than as an eventual reply to an email from you.
> Thanks!
>    This email was sent by amoreira en printoo.pt to
> unloquer en lists.aktivix.org
>  Not interested? Unsubscribe<http://zc1.maillist-manage.com/ua/optout?od=11287eca4ec58f&rd=1df4f32f00147a6&sd=1df4f32f001474f&n=124296e0305ec1>
> Ynvisible | Rua Mouzinho de Albuquerque, 7 | 2070-104 Cartaxo, Portugal.
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