[un/loquer] Rv: [NIME community] Global Net Orchestra performance on March 1 - call for players
José Manuel Páez Moncaleano
jo_pamo en yahoo.com
Mie Feb 5 19:45:28 UTC 2014
El Miércoles, 5 de febrero, 2014 4:18 P.M., Roger Dannenberg <rbd en cs.cmu.edu> escribió:
Dear Friends,
I'm planning an Internet concert with at least 100 live
performers as part of the Ammerman Center 14th Biennial Arts and Technology Symposium at Connecticut College on March 1, 2014 at noon. Other concerts may also take place.
Things are moving rapidly, with the first "field trial"
happening tomorrow and small-scale global rehearsals/tests on Sat
and Sun (EST). We still have a number of slots for
members/performers, and I'm happy to open things up to the NIME
community. Please join us!
What we're doing: A directed live ensemble performance with players around the world.
How does it work? Local keystrokes are sent to a server, merged, and echoed back to players. Local synthesis of 100 voices using previously downloaded samples.
What skills and hardware do I need? You can perform by typing QWERTY keys or you can use a MIDI keyboard. There will be some scrolling Guitar-Hero like scores (but very slow due to latency) as well as some improvisation.You need a laptop or PC (Mac or Win 7 or 8, 64-bit) and a network connection.
How do I join?
* Sign up at globalnetorchestra.org
* Download test software (instructions at the website)
* Develop, test, and upload your personal samples
* Stay tuned for future rehearsal opportunities
Musically yours,
Roger Dannenberg
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