[un/loquer] Fwd: Build Night Extended Sign-up Deadline

Brolin brolov brolin108 en gmail.com
Vie Feb 7 18:54:10 UTC 2014

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Carley Jacobson <carley en instructables.com>
Date: Fri, Feb 7, 2014 at 1:36 PM
Subject: Build Night Extended Sign-up Deadline

We are extending the deadline to sign up for the Voltaic Systems build
night to Tuesday, February 11. You can find more details and sign up

We are offering a copy of the Autodesk Product Design Suite
the makerspace that submits the best Instructable featuring the 6W solar
panel from Voltaic Systems.

Carley Jacobson
Business Development, Instructables.com
Autodesk Consumer Products

(e) carley en instructables.com
(m) 401.575.3163
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