[un/loquer] En el marco de rehab

Elena M Gomez elmago116 en gmail.com
Lun Jun 16 22:59:39 UTC 2014

Hola,  en el marco de rehab...

   - British Education Experts: 'Empathy Must Be Integrated Into
   School Curriculum'-====> "Making Education
   <http://www.forbes.com/education/> Work"
   - How playful learning will build future leaders: Learning through play
   with 'hands-on, minds-on' approaches is a powerful way forward. Play gives
   children space to dream, discover, improvise, and challenge convention.By
    John Converse Townsend, Startempathy.org
<http://startempathy.org/blog> APRIL
   22, 2014


Elena M Gómez R
Asistente de contenidos
Universidad de los niños
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