[un/loquer] Bluz, a Spark connected Bluetooth LE dev kit, has launched on Kickstarter

Bluz hello en bluz.io
Mie Abr 15 15:14:00 UTC 2015

Bluz, the first Bluetooth LE dev kit that connects to the Spark Cloud, is live on Kickstarter!

** Bluz is live on http://bluz.us10.list-manage.com/track/click?u=d7ad465433cacf84917fbf3e8&id=4b6dc11579&e=f20c604daa!
Today is a very exciting day for us, we have just launched Bluz on Kickstarter! This project has been nearly 9 months in the making and we are just thrilled that it is finally available to you.

Bluz is a remarkable development kit that uses Bluetooth LE to bring your products and projects to the internet through the Spark (http://bluz.us10.list-manage.com/track/click?u=d7ad465433cacf84917fbf3e8&id=6bbc19398a&e=f20c604daa) Cloud. Paired up with our shields and gateways, you can prototype and build amazing, internet connected things that will run for years on a coin cell battery

Head on over to Kickstarter now to pre-order your Bluz board and shields, we have levels specifically set up for hackerspaces: http://bluz.us10.list-manage.com/track/click?u=d7ad465433cacf84917fbf3e8&id=d1f7fff8dd&e=f20c604daa

We hope you find Bluz helpful and it can make its way into your space. We would appreciate if you could circulate this email to your members to try and get the word out. Bluz is a project made by makers, for makers, so we hope everyone has a chance to back it.

Eric and the Bluz team
Bluetooth Smart, Made Smarter.

Copyright © 2015 Bluz, All rights reserved.
 We are reaching out to people interested in making connected projects and products.

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