[un/loquer] Fwd: Raspberry Pi Build Night
brolin108 en gmail.com
Mar Mar 24 14:22:32 UTC 2015
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From: Amber Hancock <amber en instructables.com>
Date: Mon, Mar 23, 2015 at 1:02 PM
Subject: Raspberry Pi Build Night
Thanks for signing up for the May Raspberry Pi Build Night. Unfortunately,
we had more makerspaces sign up than available spaces (a whopping 65 spaces
for 20 spots). We are not able to offer you a spot in this event.
To allow more spaces to participate in build nights we've added a *2nd May
Build Night with Strawbees
There are 30 spaces available and the deadline to sign up is Friday.
To increase your chances of getting selected for a future event make sure
you have submitted high quality Instructables with your application. You
can learn more about creating great Instructables here
Please keep an eye out for future events!
Amber Hancock
*Community Manager*
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