[un/loquer] THE Port hackathon 2015 - apply now
Daniel Adam Dobos
Daniel.Dobos en cern.ch
Lun Mayo 25 16:37:18 UTC 2015
Dear all,
THE Port association opens again its doors to its 2015 edition of its humanitarian, technology related hackathon in Geneva, Switzerland from 2nd to 4th October. Following last years success this years edition takes place place in two different locations in parallel:
- in IdeaSquare at CERN on humanitarian, technology hardware driven projects
and at
- Campus Biotech on health and Information and Communications technology (ITC).
Application is now open until 1st June at www.theport.ch
Please find here an overview about last years event:
- annual report: http://www.theport.ch/documents/THE_Port_2014_Annual_Report.pdf
- summary videos: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PL2dxFMLBDI
Please do not hesitate to contact us, in case of further questions.
Looking forward to seeing some of you applying.
All the best,
Ines Knaepper
on behalf of THE Port team
Mobile: +41-76- 310 67 11
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