[un/loquer] Omega2 - $5 Linux WiFi hardware dev board
hello en onion.io
Vie Jul 29 20:01:42 UTC 2016
Hi there!
My name is Francis and I'm a co-founder of Onion. I'm emailing to bring your attention to our new dev board, the Omega2! If you're interested in giving away an Omega2 to your members, please let me know. I hope you will take a few minutes to learn more about the Omega2 and hopefully back us on Kickstarter!
Thanks for your time and have a great weekend!
Francis Chung
Co-Founder of Onion
Discover Omega2 on Kickstarter (http://onion.io/kickstarter?mc_cid=c65d1a3769&mc_eid=[UNIQID])
Retweet for a chance to win an Omega2 (https://twitter.com/OnionIoT/status/756946768596725760?mc_cid=c65d1a3769&mc_eid=[UNIQID])
Share on FB for a chance to win an Omega2 (https://www.facebook.com/OnionIoT/photos/a.261491144021924.1073741827.248081148696257/573447902826245/?type=3&theater&mc_cid=c65d1a3769&mc_eid=[UNIQID])
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