[un/loquer] Bots & campañas politicas
Santiago Gaviria
sgaviria en gmail.com
Jue Mayo 19 22:29:33 UTC 2016
muy chimba, gracias por pasarlo
On Thu, May 19, 2016 at 3:06 PM, Luis Pérez <perezarcila at gmail.com> wrote:
> Por estos dias hay ciertos escandalos en la campaña presidencial de los
> EEUU pues se estima q el 60% del trafico en redes es generado por bots,
> seguro lo mismo se va repetir por estas tierras en la proxima jornada
> electoral, les comparto unas lineas y un URL donde se esta discutiendo el
> tema.
> En al medida q consiga mas data se las compartire.. saludos
> "Seems to be 3 uses of bots in US elections: particular circumstances in
> which bots are having an impact on campaign practices and the dynamics of
> electoral contests in the United States. First, bots are useful for zombie
> electioneering and astroturf legislative campaigns. Second, they can be
> used to coordinate campaign strategy and messaging in complex ways. Third,
> they can be used to solicit voters for donations of money and time."
> http://politicalbots.org/
> https://www.technologyreview.com/s/529461/how-to-spot-a-social-bot-on-twitter/
> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AWlnKjd-jU0&list=PLX8WJHJrWe7IEYmId12eAl-n5ENfATHRW&index=2
> http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/papers.cfm?abstract_id=2635800
> --
> Luis F. Pérez Arcila
> 3006110505
> http://maccondo.com/
> Web/wap designer
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