[un/loquer] Moving to Medellin

Byrith themadmaker.byrith en gmail.com
Vie Nov 10 22:08:55 UTC 2017

Dear Unloquer,

First of all I would like to apologize for writing to you in English, my
written Spanish is very basic and I didn't want to cause any confusion.

I'm writing to you as a fellow maker, hacker, and hobbyist as I will be
moving to Medellin around mid December and I wanted some pointers on the
area from a maker/hacker perspective and to establish communication and
learn about Unloquer.

Byrith is an organization built around making things and teaching/learning.
Currently very small (Myself and a couple of volunteers) we intend to kick
off early next year starting with a YouTube channel and branching out to do
both drop shipping and a little down the line manufacturing.

If you'd like a better example of the type of projects we usually do,
Instagram is probably the best place to check us out but feel free to check
us out on other platforms as well as our site is currently down.

Instagram <https://www.instagram.com/byrith/?hl=en>
Twitter <https://twitter.com/Byrith_Tech>
Facebook <https://www.facebook.com/byrithtech/>

Looking forward to hearing from you

Best regards,


*Alexander Lacy*
(The Mad Maker)
PRESIDENT AND HEAD REPRESENTATIVE | Byrith <http://byrith.com>

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