[un/loquer] Newbie - English speaker

alejo funkzvv en gmail.com
Vie Ago 14 22:58:59 UTC 2020

Many here will be able/ready to reply in 'Spanglish', we have also:

On Fri, Aug 14, 2020 at 5:51 PM Tommy Vinson <tommy.vinson en usa.net> wrote:
> Are there any English speakers that help me get to know about this group?
> I have 35 years of IT experience and would like to explore this group.
> On another note it appears this group is listed twice on the Hackerspace dot
> org wiki site.
> Kind regards,
> Tommy Vinson
> American in Monteria, Colombia
> _______________________________________________
> unloquer mailing list
> unloquer en lists.aktivix.org
> https://lists.aktivix.org/mailman/listinfo/unloquer

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