juan,<br><br>mira, cuando busco encuentro esto que pego mas abajo.<br><br>la cosa es que no entiendo, dice que baje el market.rar pero lo bajo a donde?<br>a mi computador? a la kayros directo , pero cómo? y luego si es al computador cómo paso el archivo hacia la kairos?<br>
<br>ese link es para instalarle el android market, que es para empezar la idea para la cual queremos hacerle el jailbreak. <br><br><br>After days trying to find a way to root the Coby Kyros 7016, I've finally found a way to install the market!<br>
Neither z4root nor gingerbreak worked with it. I don't think there's a way to root it, at least not now.<br>
But you can install the market (which I guess is the main objective, at least mine was) in a very simple way.<br>
Download the file using the following link <a href="http://www.4shared.com/file/7tR6y6AB/Market.html" target="_blank">Market.rar - 4shared.com - online file sharing and storage - download</a>.<br>
Put them into your tablet.<br>
Open APK Installer and install all of them in this order:
OneTimeInitializer.apk, SetupWizard.apk, GoogleServicesFramework.apk and
Turn your tablet off and turn it on again.<br>
A window saying "Complete action using" will appear, mark "Use by default" and choose the "Launcher".<br>
I hope it helps! <img src="http://www.androidtablets.net/forum/images/smilies/smile.png" alt="" title="Smile" class="inlineimg" border="0"><br>
PS: I've heard it works also on the MID7020.