<div dir="ltr"><table style="width:100%"><tbody><tr><td><h4 id="toc165"><span style="font-weight:normal">Hey, un pedazo muy bonito del manual de ZMQ <a href="http://zguide.zeromq.org/page:all#The-Tale-of-Two-Bridges">http://zguide.zeromq.org/page:all#The-Tale-of-Two-Bridges</a>. <br>
</span></h4><h4 id="toc165"><span style="font-weight:normal">Sigo maravillado con la relación tan estrecha que este man pone entre código hard-core y con aplicaciones muy concretas y sus filosofías.<br></span></h4><p>Saludos@ <br>
</p><p>Rafa.<br></p><h4 id="toc165">+ + + + <br></h4><h4 id="toc165"><span><a href="http://zguide.zeromq.org/page:all#The-Tale-of-Two-Bridges">The Tale of Two Bridges</a></span></h4>
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<p>Two old engineers were talking of their lives and boasting of their
greatest projects. One of the engineers explained how he had designed
one of the greatest bridges ever made.</p>
<p>"We built it across a river gorge," he told his friend. "It was wide
and deep. We spent two years studying the land, and choosing designs and
materials. We hired the best engineers and designed the bridge, which
took another five years. We contracted the largest engineering firms to
build the structures, the towers, the tollbooths, and the roads that
would connect the bridge to the main highways. Dozens died during the
construction. Under the road level we had trains, and a special path for
cyclists. That bridge represented years of my life."</p>
<p>The second man reflected for a while, then spoke. "One evening me and
a friend got drunk on vodka, and we threw a rope across a gorge," he
said. "Just a rope, tied to two trees. There were two villages, one at
each side. At first, people pulled packages across that rope with a
pulley and string. Then someone threw a second rope, and built a foot
walk. It was dangerous, but the kids loved it. A group of men then
rebuilt that, made it solid, and women started to cross, everyday, with
their produce. A market grew up on one side of the bridge, and slowly
that became a large town, because there was a lot of space for houses.
The rope bridge got replaced with a wooden bridge, to allow horses and
carts to cross. Then the town built a real stone bridge, with metal
beams. Later, they replaced the stone part with steel, and today there's
a suspension bridge standing in that same spot."</p>
<p>The first engineer was silent. "Funny thing," he said, "my bridge was
demolished about ten years after we built it. Turns out it was built in
the wrong place and no one wanted to use it. Some guys had thrown a
rope across the gorge, a few miles further downstream, and that's where
everyone went."</p><br clear="all"><br>-- <br>Rafael Vega<br><a href="mailto:email.rafa@gmail.com" target="_blank">email.rafa@gmail.com</a>