[Mediawiki] instructions 1: installing new sites in the farm

scott scott at aktivix.org
Sun May 7 00:08:20 BST 2006

**** To install a new mediawiki site on the farm ****


*** set up DNS ***

set the dns to be CNAMEd to orb.tachanka.org:

[ wiki.domain.tld    1900 IN CNAME orb.tachanka.org

*** set up admin user ***

each site should have an admin user. this person should

# be subscribed to mediawiki at lists.aktivix.org
# have ssh access with +rw attributes for site maintenance (not upgrades)

[ # adduser USER

*** initialise the site ***

you need to run the first setup script for this.

this will create the basic directories for the new mediawiki site install.
unfortunately, it's not very good (that's cos i'm no good at writing them) so if
anyone wants to improve it, feel free :-)

the variables need to be set within the actual script itself:


[ # ./root/bin/wiki1

*** set up the apache config ***

*** set up the database ***

new mediawiki installs are being set up on a shared database, with name prefixed
tables, e.g. wikisite_

from orb.tachanka.org,

[ $ lynx wiki.site.tld

and then fill in the appropriate values (only admin users who know the correct
passwords and settings can do this)

*note:* you do not need mysql root access for this!

*** finalise the site settings ***

you need to run the second setup script for this, after settign the appropriate

[ # ./root/bin/wiki2

you are now ready to go :-)

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