[ssf] Intro, details and feedback form

Dan dan at aktivix.org
Tue Feb 15 23:28:58 GMT 2005


I'm going to prepare a sheet of A4 for the following purposes.  Please 
be sure to read the outline of what SSF does below - this was something 
me n Dave sort of came up with earlier, and it would be good to get 
feedback quickly!

1. A little outline about what the SSF does, what it hopes to do, and 
how this meeting can help to decide what will happen in the future  (See 
2. Take the person's details, saying  -

"We are starting a monthly bulletin of political, social and cultural 
goings-on in the coming month.  If you want to sign up, tick here.  If 
you have something you want others to know about, please write it here 
or send the details to..."

(I suggest we start using the ssf at lists.aktivix.org address - 
non-members posts come to moderators, so we can pick them up.)

"If you want to get more involved in the day-to-day running of the SSF, 
we have an e-mail discussion list.  Tick here if you want to sign up..."

Here's an idea - how do people feel about this?

3. "We are planning to have open mini-forums like today's once every 
three months.  This is our first, so we're just learning!  Could you 
please let us know what worked for you and what didn't?  E.g. was it too 
unstructured / too structured?"

4. "SSF is preparing its forward planner for 2005.  We hope to have a 
mix of things going on - please let us know if there's any specific 
issue or speaker you'd like to see. We can't promise anything, but we'll 
do our best - especially if you get involved with the organising!"
Outline -

Welcome to the first Sheffield Social Forum meeting of 2005

"What's the Sheffield Social Forum do?"

1. Network events like today - providing welcoming space for anyone who 
believes in people not profit.  From this, we hope new ideas, actions, 
alliances and friendships will spring.  Whether you believe change can 
only come about through street action, or prefer writing letters to MPs, 
these events are a rare chance for talking to people with different 
ideas on neutral territory.

2. SSF campaigns.  SSF offers a supportive environment for local 
campaign work, such as recent work on welfare and local democracy in 

3. Other political support - we're expanding our announcements list to 
include a bulletin of political, social and cultural events, and hoping 
to develop our website as well as help set up to a local newsletter.

4. SSF research group - this has already started working on supporting 
local Burngreave activists to campaign and research their local area, 
and will hopefully be expanding to link student researchers with the 
wider Sheffield community.

5. Whatever else you can bring to it...

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