[AktiviX-discuss] software idea patents law project amendments

ana anap at riseup.net
Tue Jul 5 23:48:44 UTC 2005

This is an extrract of a .doc file that no one working on patents should 
use (!) about the amendments that will be allegedly presented to the law 
text that came from the european commission, for approval by parliament 
on 10th of july, i think it was?

A ver si para la votación de la semana que viene se logra algo :S

Apprarently there were tables and everything in the original .doc so you need a bit of patience to read this. 




Michel Rocard
On  the patentability of computer-implemented
Proposal for a
COM ():

Wednesday, 29 June 2005

Council common position

Amendment by Parliament

(Amendment 1)
Article 1

This Directive lays down rules for the patentability of computer-implemented 
This directive lays down the rules concerning the patentability of 
computer-aided inventions.

Or. en

This replacement is to be performed at all places in the text where the 
expression "computer-implemented invention" is used.

The expression "computer-implemented" is not suitable, because it implies 
that an invention can be wholly realised by means of a computer, which would 
mean that pure software is patentable. Since both the Commission and the 
Council agreed that software should not be patentable, the terminology used 
in the directive should not imply the contrary. The scope of the directive 
is thus the one of the patenting of devices that use software in order to 
aid the performance of the claimed invention.

The concept of a computer-implemented invention is not used by computer 
experts either, and in fact is not in wide use at all. It was introduced in 
May 2000 by the European Patent Office (EPO) to justify the patenting of 
"computer-implemented business methods" and bring EPO practice into line 
with Japanese and US practice. The term "computer-implemented invention" 
implies that solutions involving only generic computers are patentable 

This idea is contrary to Article 52 of the European Patent Convention, which 
states that algorithms, methods for doing business, and computer programs do 
not constitute inventions within the meaning of patent law.The directive can 
not be intended to declare computer programs to be patentable inventions by 
presenting them in some other wording.

Amendment 2
Article 2(a)

(a) "computer-implemented invention" means any invention the performance of 
which involves the use of a computer, computer network or other programmable 
apparatus, the invention having one or more features which are realised 
wholly or partly by means of a computer program or computer programs;
(a)  computer-aided invention means an invention in the sense of patent law 
the performance of which involves the use of programmable apparatus;

Or. en

In some jurisdictions, the understanding of the term "invention" has 
gradually been slipping towards meaning "anything appearing in a patent 
claim". By adding the requirement that it should be an invention in the 
sense of patent law, this article stresses that this definition has to be 
read in conjunction with the requirements laid down for inventions in 
general patent law (such as the patent law of member states, the European 
Patent Convention, or the future community patent directive).

Amendment 3
Article 2(b)

(b) "technical contribution" means a contribution to the state of the art in 
a field of technology which is new and not obvious to a person skilled in 
the art. The technical contribution shall be assessed by consideration of 
the difference between the state of the art and the scope of the patent 
claim considered as a whole, which must comprise technical features, 
irrespective of whether or not these are accompanied by non-technical 
(b) "technical contribution" means a contribution to the state of the art in 
a field of technology. The contribution is the set of features by which the 
scope of the patent claim as a whole is considered to differ from the state 
of the art. The contribution must be technical, that is, comprise technical 
features and belong to a field of technology. Without a technical 
contribution, there is no patentable subject-matter and no invention. The 
technical contribution must fulfil the conditions for patentability. In 
particular, it must be novel and not obvious to a person skilled in the art.

Or. en

The concept of technical contribution has pervaded the discussion about the 
directive and generated great confusion and therefore to some extent 
deserves to be clarified. While intuitively and in the subjective belief of 
most commentators the  technical contribution appears to be related to the 
question of patentable subject matter (Article 52 EPC), the EPO used the 
term as a means of abolishing the subject-matter test by mixing it with the 
non-obviousness test (Article 56 EPC) in obscure ways, which national courts 
and ministerial patent officials have found difficult to follow. A similar 
amendment was adopted in first reading by the EP. This amendment adds some 
ideas of the Council such as that of subtracting the prior art from the 
claimed object.

This amendment is very similar to what was approved in JURI. It corrects one 
error in the second sentence however: the JURI version states that the 
technical contribution is the set of features which is claimed to differ 
from the state of the art. This implies that all features not part of the 
state of the art are by definition technical, which is of course not 
necessarily the case.

Amendment 4
Article 2(ba) (new)

(ba) a "field of technology" is a field of applied natural science;

Or. en

The Council's draft draws heavily on terms such as "technology", 
"technical", "fields of technology", "technical contribution", "technical 
effect" etc, without explaining whether "technology" here is "applied 
natural science", i.e. the traditional meaning in patent law, or "applied 
exact science", a wider meaning which includes mathematics, business methods 
and in fact anything that can be programmed on a computer. The consequence 
of this wider meaning, which is implied in some decisions of the EPO, is, in 
the words of a leading EPO theoretician, that "all practical problem 
solutions are technical inventions".

The German Federal Court of Justice insists on the narrower meaning, as 
witnessed in the revocation of a computer-implemented "communication 
solution" patent in 2004 with the reason that "the problem does not require 
the use of controllable forces of nature". As their presiding judge recently 
stressed at a hearing in Berlin, a choice by the legislator for this 
narrower meaning is absolutely necessary, as otherwise there would no longer 
be any secure legal basis for rejecting business method patents

Amendment 5
Article 2(bc) (new)

(bc). A "computer" is a realisation of an abstract machine, consisting of 
entities such as processing units, storage space and interfaces for 
information exchange with external systems and human users. "Data 
processing" is calculation with abstract component entities of computers. A 
"computer program" is a data processing solution which can, once it has been 
correctly described, be executed by computers.

Or. en

Definition of the computer program is important for determining the 
patentability. This amendment also restricts overly broad interpretations of 
the term "data processing" by defining it as an abstract process. The 
Council defined "computer program" in its Article 4.2 indirectly as "the 
source code or object code of one individual computer program". This is 
inappropriate, since patent law does not deal with computer programs at that 

Amendment 6
Article 3

In order to be patentable, a computer-implemented invention must be 
susceptible of industrial application and new and must involve an inventive 
step. In order to involve an inventive step, a computer-implemented 
invention must make a technical contribution.
In order to be patentable, a computer-aided invention must make a technical 
contribution. The technical contribution must be new and not obvious to the 
person skilled in the art.

Or. en

The Council's proposal is inconsistent here. In its article 2b, the Council 
says that a technical contribution must be new and non-obvious (= involve an 
inventive step). In this article the Council says that for an invention to 
be non-obvious, there must first be a technical contribution. This amendment 
resolves the contradiction by bringing this article in line with Article 2b, 
which represents the common sense of patent law in Europe as used by most 
national courts today. It was also used by the EPO before 2000, when the 
"Controlling Pension Benefits System" decision brought the confusion, 
apparently in a hectic attempt to create new rules for the planned 

This amendment is a simplified version of the amendment adopted in JURI. It 
also fixes that amendment's second sentence which indicates that the 
contribution can consist entirely out of non-technical features.

Amendment 7
Article 4 paragraph 1

1. A computer program as such cannot constitute a patentable invention.
1. While products and processes in all fields of technology are patentable 
inventions regardless of whether or not they involve computer programs, the 
subject matter and activities within the computer programs are not 
patentable on their own.

Or. en

Article 52(2) EPC states that programs for computers, along with aesthetic 
creations, mathematical methods, business methods et al, are not inventions 
in the sense of patent law. Art 52(3) limits the exclusions to subject 
matter and activities as such. There has been much dispute about how article 
52(3) should be applied to 52(2). While it is a good idea to transfer Art 52 
EPC into EU law, care should be taken to transfer not only the words, but 
also to resolve the ambiguities and thereby achieve harmonisation and 

Amendment 8
Article 4 paragraph 2

2. A computer-implemented invention shall not be regarded as making a 
technical contribution merely because it involves the use of a computer, 
network or other programmable apparatus. Accordingly, inventions involving 
computer programs, whether expressed as source code, as object code or in 
any other form, which implement business, mathematical or other methods and 
do not produce any technical effects beyond the normal physical interactions 
between a program and the computer, network or other programmable apparatus 
in which it is run shall not be patentable.
2. A computer-aided invention shall not be regarded as making a technical 
contribution merely because it uses better algorithms so as to reduce the 
need for processing time, storage space or other resources within the data 
processing system.  Accordingly, innovations involving computer programs 
which do not solve any problems of applied natural science beyond the 
improvement of data processing efficiency shall not be patentable.

Or. en

The Council's version is tautological and implies that business methods are 
patentable inventions when they "produce a further technical effect", i.e. 
when they fulfill a condition which the European Patent Office, which 
invented this rhetoric in 1998, has admitted to be meaningless.

Since computers are well known, the presence of a computer can of course not 
by itself constitute a technical contribution. The question is whether the 
presence of a computer in combination with an improved algorithm can 
constitute a technical contribution. By failing to pose this question, the 
Council seems to imply a positive answer.
The distinction between "business method" and "invention which implements a 
business method" is a common technique for circumventing Art 52 EPC.

The question of how the "invention" is expressed has never been relevant, 
nor has the distinction between more or less human-readable descriptions of 
programs. This subsentence serves no regulatory purpose, apart from 
insinuating that Art 52(2)c EPC should be interpreted in a way that makes it 

The sentence

"inventions involving ... business methods ..., which implement ..., shall 
not be patentable."

is syntactically ambiguous but probably means that "business method 
inventions" are patentable, if they "produce a further technical effect".

The term "normal physical interactions between a program and a computer" 
means  about as much as "normal physical interactions between a recipe and a 

In 2000, EPO itself has criticised this wording and explained that it was 
merely a wordplay temporarily used in the IBM decision of 1998 in order to 
circumvent the European Patent Convention, in anticipation of a change of 
law that would render it unnecessary:


There is no need to consider the concept of "further technical effect" in 
examination, and it is preferred not to do so for the following reasons: 
firstly, it is confusing to both examiners and applicants; secondly, the 
only apparent reason for distinguishing "technical effect" from "further 
technical effect" in the decision was because of the presence of "programs 
for computers" in the list of exclusions under Article 52(2) EPC.

If, as is to be anticipated, this element is dropped from the list by the 
Diplomatic Conference, there will no longer be any basis for such a 
distinction. It is to be inferred that the Board of Appeals would have 
preferred to be able to say that no computer-implemented invention is 
excluded from patentability by the provisions of Articles 52(2) and (3) EPC.

This amendment fixes the errors while trying to stay as close to the 
original wording as possible.

Amendment 9
Article 5 paragraph 2

2. A claim to a computer program, either on its own or on a carrier, shall 
not be allowed unless that program would, when loaded and executed in a 
programmable computer, programmable computer network or other programmable 
apparatus, put into force a product or process claimed in the same patent 
application in accordance with paragraph 1.
2. A patent claim to a computer program, either on its own or on a carrier, 
shall not be allowed.

Or. en

It is contradictory to say that computer programs can not be inventions and 
yet can be objects of patent claims. This is why the Commission also did not 
allow program claims in its original proposal.

The condition after "unless" in the Council version is always true, provided 
that the patent application was properly drafted. The Council amendment 
appears to pretend that, while it is allowing program claims, it really only 
means to allow process claims, and that the program claims are really 
included -- in defiance of the logic of the patent system -- as a kind of 
additional enforcement tool in cases where the inventor did not invent 
software as such but some kind of technical process beyond software.

This however would mean that the inventor could obtain a monopoly on 
something which he did not invent and which, in most cases, will be neither 
new nor non-obvious nor even original. Such a monopoly would moreover be 
economically undesirable. There is no good rationale for allowing anyone, 
not even automobile makers, to control the market of software publishing 
with property claims based on anything other than copyright.

It must suffice that the /user/ of a computer-aided automobile engineering 
invention needs to obtain a patent license, regardless of which software he 
uses. In practise, this usually does suffice. The only case where program 
claims would really perform an economic function is in the software 
industry, where the computer program as such would constitute the 

The effect of allowing program claims is to make the publication of a 
program which can express the underlying invention a direct patent 
infringement -- regardless of how in fact the program would be used.

This would mean
*  the program would be unusable for legitimate discussion and 
non-commercial experimentation, normally encouraged in patent law.
*  the program would be unusable for legitimate purposes other than those 
specified in the patent application -- for example, a patented program 
method for predicting automotive engine dynamics could not be used to 
predict stock-market behaviour (and separate amendments saying that this is 
not infringement will not help, because such claims cover the distribution 
of said program and not only the use).
*  EU companies would be forbidden to use the program method to compete 
against foreign companies overseas in territories where the patent was not 
in force.

Amendment 10
Article 5.2 (b) (new)

2b. The creation, publication or distribution of information can never 
constitute a patent infringement.

Or. en

This amendment does not make any patents invalid, rather it limits the ways 
in which a patent owner can enforce his patents.

Freedom of publication, as stipulated in Art 11 of the European Convention 
on Human Rights (ECHR), can be limited by copyright but not by patents.  
Copyright provides a narrow exclusion scope which already takes the freedom 
interests of publishers into account.

Patents allow for much broader, more sweeping exclusions and involve slow 
and costly legal procedures.  The use of patents as a limit on the freedom 
of publication was traditionally never intended and can not be justified 
today in view of the increased interest of today's information society in 
freedom of publication.

Amendment 11
Article 6 (a) (new)

Wherever the use of a patented technique is necessary in order to ensure 
interoperability between two different data processing systems, in the sense 
that no equally efficient and equally effective alternative non-patented 
means of achieving such interoperability between them is available, such use 
is not considered to be a patent infringement, nor is the development, 
testing, making, offering for sale or licence, or importation of programs 
making such use of a patented technique to be considered a patent 

Or. en

Interoperability of data processing systems (e.g. computers) lies at the 
foundation of the information economy and allows for fair competition by all 
players large and small.

Article 6 of the Council only refers to the exemption provided for by the 
Copyright directive. This means that a software developer is allowed to find 
out how to make his data processing system interoperable with that of a 
competitor, but afterwards he cannot necessarily use his gained knowledge, 
since that could be covered by patents.

This amendment makes sure that patents also cannot be used to prevent 
interoperability. It was passed in an almost identical form by ITRE and JURI 
prior to the first reading ("data processing systems" read "computer systems 
or networks"). In first reading, a more sweeping version of this amendment 
was passed (with 393 vs 35 votes), which appeared as Article 9 in the 
consolidated version.

The expression "for the sole purpose" reverts to the spirit of the original 
ITRE/JURI version of the interoperability exemption (which is more limited), 
which was also supported by Luxembourg and several others in the Council 
(but didn't make it).

Amendment 12
Recital 6

The Community and its Member States are bound by the Agreement on 
trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights (TRIPS), approved by 
Council Decision 94/800/EC of 22 December 1994 concerning the conclusion on 
behalf of the European Community, as regards matters within its competence, 
of the agreements reached in the Uruguay Round multilateral negotiations 
(1986-1994) 1. Article 27(1) of TRIPS provides that patents shall be 
available for any inventions, whether products or processes, in all fields 
of technology, provided that they are new, involve an inventive step and are 
capable of industrial application. Moreover, according to that Article, 
patent rights should be available and patent rights enjoyable without 
discrimination as to the field of technology. These principles should 
accordingly apply to computer-implemented inventions.
The Community and its Member States are bound by the Agreement on 
trade-related aspects of intellectual property rights (TRIPS), approved by 
Council Decision 94/800/EC of 22 December 1994 concerning the conclusion on 
behalf of the European Community, as regards matters within its competence, 
of the agreements reached in the Uruguay Round multilateral negotiations 
(1986-1994) 1. Article 27(1) of TRIPS provides that patents shall be 
available for any inventions, whether products or processes, in all fields 
of technology, provided that they are new, involve an inventive step and are 
capable of industrial application. Moreover, according to that Article, 
patent rights should be available and patent rights enjoyable without 
discrimination as to the field of technology. This means that patentability 
must be effectively limited in terms of general concepts such as 
"invention", "technology" and "industry", so as to avoid both unsystematic 
exceptions and uncontrollable extensions, both of which would act as 
barriers to free trade. Thus inventions in all fields of applied natural 
science are patentable, whereas innovations in fields such as mathematics, 
data processing and organisational logic, are not patentable, regardless of 
whether a computer is used for their implementation or not.
Or. en

It must be made clear that there are limits as to what can be subsumed under 
"fields of technology" according to Art 27 TRIPS and that this article is 
not designed to mandate unlimited patentability but rather to avoid 
frictions in free trade, which can be caused by undue exceptions as well as 
by undue extensions to patentability. This interpretation of TRIPS is 
indirectly confirmed by lobbying of the US government last year against Art 
27 TRIPS, on the account that it excludes business method patents, which the 
US government wants to mandate by the new Substantive Patent Law Treaty 

In its first reading, Parliament deleted this recital, and therefore the 
amendment that proposed the above change was not voted upon. Deletion is 
better than keeping the original, but clarification regarding the 
applicability and interpretation of the TRIPs agreement is better.

Amendment 13
Recital 7

(7) Under the Convention on the Grant of European Patents signed in Munich 
on 5 October 1973 (European Patent Convention) and the patent laws of the 
Member States, programs for computers together with discoveries, scientific 
theories, mathematical methods, aesthetic creations, schemes, rules and 
methods for performing mental acts, playing games or doing business, and 
presentations of information are expressly not regarded as inventions and 
are therefore excluded from patentability. This exception, however, applies 
and is justified only to the extent that a patent application or patent 
relates to the above subject-matter or activities as such, because the said 
subject-matter and activities as such do not belong to a field of 
(7) Under the Convention on the Grant of European Patents signed in Munich 
on 5 October 1973 and the patent laws of the Member States, programs for 
computers together with discoveries, scientific theories, mathematical 
methods, aesthetic creations, schemes, rules and methods for performing 
mental acts, playing games or doing business, and presentations of 
information are expressly not regarded as inventions and are therefore 
excluded from patentability. This exception applies because the said 
subject-matter and activities do not belong to a field of technology.

Or. en

Art 52 EPC says that programs for computers etc are not inventions in the 
sense of patent law, i.e. that a system consisting of generic computing 
hardware and some combination of calculation rules operating on it can not 
form the object of a patent. It does not say that such systems can be 
patented by declaring them to be "not as such" or "technical". This 
amendment reconfirms Art 52 EPC. Note that the exclusion of programs for 
computers is not an exception, it is part of the rule for defining what an 
"invention" is.

This amendment corresponds to recital 7 in the consolidated text of the EP's 
first reading.

Amendment 14
Recital 9

Patent protection allows innovators to benefit from their creativity. 
Whereas patent rights protect innovation in the interests of society as a 
whole; they should not be used in a manner which is anti-competitive.
Patents are temporary exclusion rights granted by the state to inventors in 
order to stimulate technical progress. In order to ensure that the system 
works as intended, the conditions for granting patents and the modalities 
for enforcing them must be carefully designed. In particular, inevitable 
corollaries of the patent system such as restriction of creative freedom, 
users´ rights or legal insecurity and anti-competitive effects must be kept 
within reasonable limits.

Or. en

Innovators can benefit from their creativity without patents. Whether patent 
rights "protect" or stifle innovation and whether they act in the interests 
of society as a whole is a question that can only be answered by empirical 
study, not by statements in legislation.

Amendment 15
Recital 10

In accordance with Council Directive 91/250/EEC of 14 May 1991 on the legal 
protection of computer programs, the expression in any form of an original 
computer program is protected by copyright as a literary work. However, 
ideas and principles which underlie any element of a computer program are 
not protected by copyright.
In accordance with Council Directive 91/250/EEC of 14 May 1991 on the legal 
protection of computer programs, property in computer programs is acquired 
by copyright. General ideas and principles which underlie a computer program 
must stay freely usable, so that many different creators may simultaneously 
obtain property in individual creations based thereon.

Or. en

Copyright does not only apply to literary works, but also to textbooks, 
operation manuals, computer programs and all kinds of information 
structures. Copyright is the system of "intellectual property" for computer 
programs, not only a system for a "literary" side aspect of computer 

Amendment 16
Recital 12

It is a condition for inventions in general that, in order to involve an 
inventive step, they should make a technical contribution to the state of 
the art.
It is a condition for inventions in general that they must make a technical 
contribution to the state of the art. The technical contribution must be new 
and not obvious to the person skilled in the art. If there is no technical 
contribution, there is no patentable subject matter and no invention.

Or. en

This amendments was newly inserted by the Council. It attempts to further 
codify the EPO's "technical contribution in the inventive step" doctrine. 
What one invents is his contribution to the state of the art, and for this 
contribution to be patentable it has to (among other things) involve an 
inventive step. Not the other way round.

Amendment 17
Recital 13

(13) Accordingly, although a computer-implemented invention belongs to a 
field of technology, where it does not make a technical contribution to the 
state of the art, as would be the case, for example, where its specific 
contribution lacks a technical character, it will lack an inventive step and 
thus will not be patentable.
(13) Accordingly, an innovation that does not make a technical contribution 
to the state of the art is not an invention within the meaning of patent 

Or. en

The Council text declares computer programs to be technical inventions. It 
removes the independent requirement of invention ("technical contribution") 
and merges it into the requirement of non-obviousness ("inventive step").  
This leads to theoretical inconsistency and undesirable practical 
consequences, as explained in detail in the justification of the amendment 
to article 4.

Amendment 18
Recital 16

(16) Furthermore, an algorithm is inherently non-technical and therefore 
cannot constitute a technical invention. Nonetheless, a method involving the 
use of an algorithm might be patentable provided that the method is used to 
solve a technical problem. However, any patent granted for such a method 
should not monopolise the algorithm itself or its use in contexts not 
foreseen in the patent.
(16) Furthermore, an algorithm is inherently non-technical and therefore 
cannot constitute a technical invention.

Or. en

The nature of the problem solved should be irrelevant to patentability. It's 
the nature of the solution that counts. Problems are not invented, but 
solutions are, and it's the invention that must be technical (or have 
technical character).

Amendment 19
Recital 19

(19) This Directive should be limited to laying down certain principles as 
they apply to the patentability of such inventions, such principles being 
intended in particular to ensure that inventions which belong to a field of 
technology and make a technical contribution are susceptible of protection, 
and conversely to ensure that those inventions which do not make a technical 
contribution are not susceptible of protection.

Or. en

Similarly to Council recital 13, this amendment claims that there are 
non-technical inventions. See the justification under the amendment to 
recital 13 for more information.

Amendment 20
Article 4 paragraph 3 (new)

3. Computer-aided inventions are not considered to make a technical 
contribution merely because they make better use of data processing 
resources such as processing time or storage space.

Or. en

This amendment reflects current case law in Germany, and a similar decision 
in the UK case 'Gale's Application'.

In the words of the justices of the German Federal Patent Court (BPatG, 
decision of 26. March 2002, 17 W (pat) 69/98):

"The applicant sees as a decisive indication of technicity of the method 
that it is based on a technical problem. Because the proposed method does 
not need a dictionary, the memory space for this can be saved. [...] As far 
as the technical problem is concerned, this can only be considered as an 
indication but not as a proof of technicity of the process. If computer 
implementations of non-technical processes were attributed a technical 
character merely because they display different specific characteristics, 
such as needing less computing time or less storage space, the consequence 
of this would be that any computer implementation would have to be deemed to 
be of technical character.

This is because any distinct process will have distinct implementation 
characteristics, that allow it to either save computing time or save storage 
space. These properties are, at least in the present case, not based on a 
technical achievement but result from the chosen non-technical method. If 
the fact that such a problem is solved could be a sufficient reason for 
attributing a technical character to a computer implementation, then every 
implementation of a non-technical method would have to be patentable; this 
however would run against the conclusion of the Federal Court of Justice 
that the legal exclusion of computer programs from patentability does not 
allow us to adopt an approach which would make any teaching that is framed 
in computer-oriented instructions patentable".

Amendment 21
Recital 11

In order for any invention to be considered as patentable it should have a 
technical character, and thus belong to a field of technology.
In order for any innovation to be considered a patentable invention it 
should have a technical character, and thus belong to a field of technology.

Or. en

The Council text is not in line with Art 52 EPC. Art 52(2) EPC lists 
examples of non-inventions. It is not permissible to subsume these under 
"inventions" and then test their technical character. Moreover, while it can 
not be inferred from Art 52 EPC that all technical innovations are 
inventions, it can, based on a unanimous tradition of patent law, be assumed 
that all inventions have technical character.

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