[AktiviX-discuss] Privatising the global software commons...
dan at aktivix.org
Thu Mar 17 22:17:47 UTC 2005
... you may have invented it and let it roam free, but as with basmati
rice or anything else that a quick buck can be squeezed from, that won't
stop em enclosing it:
Coming to a European Union near you: Patents for profit: dystopian
visions of the new economy
"In the patent-free environment, contributions to the common pool of
programming knowledge come from all corners of the world, from the
amateur hacker working until 4am in his bedroom to corporations leasing
the most expensive real estate in Silicon Valley. Richard Stallman,
founder of the Free Software Foundation, likens reading a piece of
software code to walking around a city – the expert eye will recognise
“architectural periods”, little stylistic ticks that identify a piece of
recycled code with a particular time, even place.
"Software patents take chunks of code out of this vast pool of shared
knowledge and lock them down using IP law. United States case law
already shows how companies can use such patents to claim ownership of
code that had previously been regarded as an open standard. The effect
is not simply to appropriate and centralise a shared knowledge resource,
but to make it impossible to create a new programme without infringing
the patent. Where software is concerned, patents obliterate progress..."
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