[AktiviX-discuss] syncronyzed aktivix-owncloud-android-icedove

mancho ajam at aktivix.org
Thu Oct 23 06:52:10 UTC 2014


I couldn't do it.

i explain why below.

On 22/10/14 12:23, mark wrote:
> Hi,
> I will try to answer your question and others can correct me if I'm wrong.
> On 22/10/14 10:37, mancho wrote:
>> hi.
>> does someone knows how to syncronyzed the calendar which is in the 
>> aktivix.org account
> ... I'm guessing that you mean Kronolith [1]?

yes, that one. the ones which is now by default in aktivix.org

>> with the one wich is in aktivix.owncloud , and also with the one in
>> icedove and an android phone?.
> Well, I know that owncloud supports calDAV, which means that you can
> synchronise it to your android using some software called DAVdroid,
> and you can install the iceowl extension to icedove to sync it to your
> desktop.

i have to pay to get DAVdroid. And i would like to use a free one. Does
someone knows any other software ( a free one) to synch with cadDav?
> As far as Kronolith goes, the software claims to support calDAV but I
> haven't managed to get it working. Actually I've given up on trying,
> since owncloud is working for me across devices.

i get your point, but the thing is that i would like to use the calendar
all the time, and sometimes i don't have an internet conection.. that's
why i would like to synch it with icedove-android-owncloud/aktivix, i
know they will synch once i get wi-fi sign, but anyway i would be happy
to use it in that way..
> Good luck,
> Mark

Thanks dude.
> [1] http://www.horde.org/apps/kronolith
> [2] https://f-droid.org/repository/browse/?fdid=at.bitfire.davdroid

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