[blag-whereto] so whereto really? are we serious? a *proposal* & call to action

r7 r7 at aktivix.org
Thu Feb 19 22:32:13 GMT 2009

hi all

so you, like me, may be feeling a little yearning for the burst of
energy we had before christmas. i've spent a deal of time since jebba
left thinking about BLAG and how we've ended up where we are.

the following is not to undermine any of the good things that folks have
been doing recently. big props to noldrin on the work he's put into the
repo and updates, but i have a big but [sic].

we have good folks with a good combination of time and skills and
energy, but i don't think we are quite there. to be honest i'm a little
worried. i feel there's a *big* danger we could spend the next six
months or a year, doing useful and interesting stuff, learning and skill
sharing: but not ending up with the 'product' [ahem]. i am personally
frustrated that i don't have the knowledge to make this project work. it
has to be a collaborative effort. i am scared we're gonna blow it.

are we serious? are we going to do this thing or flounder around feeling

so i'm calling a meeting in irc.indymedia.org/#blag for [provisionally]
thursday 26 february 2009, 1900CET [GMT+1]. please indicate if you have
a problem with that time and/or date.

i'm also calling for a discussion on this list between now and then
about what you think on the subject of whereto with BLAG, an agenda but
more so. i think we can make the transition from one dev to many devs,
but we cannot conform to the "bloody anarchists couldn't organize a
[insert activity] in a [suitable location]" deal.

to do this, we have the tools at our fingertips, we have most of the
knowledge, we have the energy and commitment. we need to stick it all
together rather than be piecemeal about it.

i love BLAG and what it represents too much let it go.

see you there
peace & rage
r7 [at] aktivix [dot] org

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