[Campaignforrealdemocracy] Fwd: Agenda CEJ general meeting 10.7.2009

Mark Barrett marknbarrett at googlemail.com
Wed Jul 8 11:44:10 BST 2009

Hi all at Project 2012 etc

Pls see details about Friday 10th Coalition for Economic Justice Meeting
agenda etc attached. I'll be going to this to ask for support for the Local
Sovereignty / Campaign for Real Democracy part of our network. Hope others
ffrom the 2012 network can make it . It's at SES, 11 Mandeville Place,
London W1U 3AJ.

Venue URL http://www.schooleconomicscience.org/

Also for Land Tax people, 22nd July is Professional Land Reform Group
meeting, and 25th is Labour Land Campaign AGM. More info to follow/ or just

Cheers, Mark

CEJ Agenda General Meeting 10.7.2009.doc (19.5 Kb) attached
CEJ AW Summary for general meeting 10.7.2009.txt (2.4 Kb) attached
CEJ CG Summary for general meeting 10.7.2009.doc (20 Kb) attached
CEJ DT Summary for general meeting 10.7.2009.doc (24 Kb) attached

----- Original Message -----
From: carol.wilcox at talktalk.net8888888

 From: John Lipetz <johnlipetz at hotmail.com>
Sent: Friday, June 26, 2009 8:17 PM
To: Carol Wilcox <carol.wilcox at labourland.org>
Cc: anton howes <anton.p.h at hotmail.co.uk> ; Ashis
choudrhi<achoudh1 at aol.com>; chris
glover <cgg at cgglover.com> ; Dave Wetzel <davewetzel42 at googlemail.com> ; David
Triggs <david_triggs at btinternet.com> ; heather
wetzel<heather.wetzel at labourland.org>; henry
law <henry.bn at gmail.com> ; Ole Lefmann <ole.lefmann1 at virgin.net> ; peter
bowman <drbowman at btinternet.com> ; peter challen
<peterchallen at gmail.com> ; Richard
Hithersay <richardhithersay at orange.net> ; Rob
Blakemore<rob.blakemore at logica.com>; robin
smith <robinsmith3 at gmail.com> ; tommas graves <tommasgraves at hotmail.com> ; Tony
Vickers <tonyvickers at phonecoop.coop>
Subject: Agenda CEJ general meeting 10.7.2009

Dear Carol et al,
Attached is the agenda for this general CEJ meeting, as agreed at today's
steering group meeting in response to the decision at the previous general
meeting, together with the summary notes prepared by the three speakers.  I
should appreciate it if you could circulate it the the full email list you
hold.  Each of those to whom I've copied this should please encourage as
many members of their organisations to attend.
Thanks for your help.
Best wishes,
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Systemic Fiscal Reform Group 
Notes for Coalition for Economic Justice meeting 26 June 2009 
Why must Economic Justice campaigns promote land and money reform together, 
not just one or the other? 
Inextricable linkage 
The current financial system places credit creation for land purchase at its core. 
Most of the money in the UK is created by banks for the purpose of buying property ? 
land and buildings. This results in an inextricable linkage between the two systems ? 
money and land. 
Joining a community of campaigns 
The campaigns for money reform are growing worldwide. These campaigns are 
often very passionate and informed, but do not seem to understand the significance 
of economic land rents in creating poverty. By pushing all campaigns to support land 
and money reform, the scope for a grand consensus, shared events and full public 
debate is improved. Membership will expand. 
Economic malaise is blamed on banking 
The public understanding of the economic crisis is mainly focussed on the banks. By 
advocating banking (money) reform, Economic Justice campaigns can tap into this 
existing debate in the media. Campaigns which neglect this risk being seen as not 
relevant to the current problem. 
?Solutions? which don't address both land and money will fail 
Attempting to solve the land question alone would leave the banking sector in limbo. 
A fast switch to LVT would precipitate acute banking insolvency, a slow switch would 
cause political and financial instability. Money reform alone would bring down house 
prices sharply, breaking the land market, and reverse progress in the broadening of 
land ownership seen in the last century. 
A ?gap? in campaigning 
There are several LVT advocacy organisations, and several money reform 
organisations in the UK. Uniting the two fills a gap in the ?market?. 
More opportunities to communicate 
By promoting both money and land reform, an Economic Justice campaign can more 
readily supply ?expertise? to debates on the banking crisis, on the housing crisis, 
and deliver the complementary message. 
Idealogical coherence 
It doesn't make sense to concern oneself with economic justice when either the land 
question or the money question are unresolved. 
Final comments 
Land and money reform together would rapidly transform the economy for the 
better. But other issues warrant a mention ? welfare and pensions, natural resources 
(minerals, environment, fossil fuels). 
Dr. Adrian Wrigley, 26 June 2009

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