[Campaignforrealdemocracy] Sunday Assembly Tmrw in Hackney

Mark Barrett marknbarrett at googlemail.com
Sat Aug 27 23:00:41 UTC 2011

*Real Democracy Now *(reminder - apologies for cross posts)
Tmrw Sunday 28th international people's assembly from 3.30pm Gillett Sq
followed by Peoples Kitchen food share at Passing Clouds More see below &
info at

After the assembly we're all invited to an evening programme at Passing
Clouds in Dalston www.passingclouds.org with a meal cooked by the People's
Kitchen, a film screening and live music!

After the unrest in London what are your feelings about our society?
How can we build a sense of community?
Do you feel represented by politicians?
How can we create a better future?

...Come & join us in Gillett Square for and let’s talk about it!

People’s Assemblies have no leaders, so every voice counts, ensuring
equality for all. Everyone is welcome!

We’re a group of International Londoners who have been holding People's
Assemblies in central and local areas of London. We will be holding
assemblies in Gillett Square, Dalston for at least the next two weeks.

Our aim is to build a grassroots movement based on ordinary people sharing
their ideas. Gradually we can create a movement that demands and shapes a
society based on real human needs and values. This is already happening in
other parts of Europe and it can happen here too.

After the assembly we're all invited to an evening programme at Passing
Clouds in Dalston www.passingclouds.org with a meal cooked by the People's
Kitchen, a film screening and live music!

See www.peoplesassemblies.org and www.aworldtowin.net/docume
nts/assemblies.pdf for further information about People's Assemblies
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