[Cja] Salud from Cantabria (at the north of Spain) CJA, que la lucha siga!!/ let's keep on fight!!!!

Patricia Manrique patrimanrique at hotmail.com
Wed Aug 25 00:18:06 UTC 2010

[Spanish original version below. This is a shit of google-and-me translation but I have no time today to think in english!!!!]
Dear CJA compañeros,
 I write from Spain, with not too much time. I
 suspect (and desire) that we, all who are involved in CJA, are also involved
 in other local anti-capitalist struggles and usually we haven't had enough  time for look after CJA (apart from 
money ...  especially for taking planes for a three-days meetings: political
 activism doesn´t provide much capital really XD.)

 proposed of a global action day on October 12th, a  day that in Spain is especially ofensive for some of us because 'our'  imperialist past (Cristobal Columbus and because is a day 
of a fucking national exaltation, is almost unknown here. I think that happens the same in other countries. we could map anti-capitalist groups (and others not exactly anticapitalist but involved in climate justice) or make simple lists to, at 
least, make massive mailings in support of decentralized actions that day.

 addition to Cancun, thet remains far away (and the travel is very expensiv)e, 
perhaps we make some noise in Europe. I think that lots of people who can not afford a ticket to Cancun, 
but we can think in a summit / People Assembly in Europe in December ... Yes,
 I know this is already very complicated, but, at first, we can probe how many people is interested by October 12th.

In Spain, I could work with 2/3 other people who are now engaged in the CJA network to perform the map (Is there anyone out there of the Spanish state? :P)

Y would like a lot to  see you in Holland, and I am very grateful to those who are working for everyone else ... If someone have time and wants to do a tour in Spain talking about CJA, I could try to organize it. CJA is better known in Anglo-Saxon countries than here.

salud, revolución and climate justice (and sorry cause my fucking awfull english)

(aquí va en castellano, pero tampoco va muy elaborado)

Queridos compañerxs de CJA, 
escribo sin apenas tiempo desde España. Sospecho (y deseo)  que todos los que estamos involucrados en CJA estamos involucrados también en otras luchas anticapitalistas locales y nos falta tiempo (aparte de dinero: especialmente para coger aviones para reuniones de tres días: la militancia política no aporta mucho capital, la verdad).
La propuesta de acción global para el 12 de octubre, que en España nos ofende especialmente por nuestro pasado imperialista, (del que muchos nos "avergonzamos" y porque es un día de exaltación nacionalista española, por cierto) es casi desconocida aquí. Se me ocurre que podríamos ponernos en contactos por países para hacer un mapa de colectivos anticapitalistas y afines (decrecimiento, ecologistas...) para, al menos, hacer mailings masivos en pro de ese día de acciones descentralizadas.
Además de cancún, que queda muy lejos y que supone un viaje muy caro, quizá debiéramos centrarnos en calentar el asunto en Europa.Incluso se podría pensar, para aquellos montones de personas que no podrán pagar el billete a Cancún, en hacer una cumbre/Asamblea de los pueblos en diciembre en Europa... Sí, sé que esto ya es muy complicado, pero, para empezar, sería interesante tantear  a los colectivos por países el 12 de octubre.
En España, yo estaría dispuesta a trabajar con otras dos o tres personas que estén ahora mismo comprometidas en la red de CJA a trabajar en ese mapeo o lista. ¿Hay alguien del Estado Español por ahí?
M e encantaría veros en Holanda y estoy muy agradecida a aquellos que están trabajando más por los demás ... Si alguien se anima y tiene  tiempo para hacer una gira dando a  conocer CJA por España, podríamos intentar organizarlo también. CJA es más conocida en países anglosajones que aquí.
salud, revolución and climate justice

Diagonal, periódico quincenal de actualidad crítica

Date: Tue, 24 Aug 2010 11:38:09 -0700
From: nicholas at themediasociety.org
To: anna at shsh.co.uk
CC: cja at lists.aktivix.org; marknbarrett at googlemail.com; climate09-int at lists.riseup.net
Subject: Re: [Cja] [climate09-int] The Future of CJA ;	dissolve or find a new course

errggh, hang-on, what happened to climate change ? its pretty foolish to think that the issue, problem has gone away ! 

its understanble that there is burn-out, but its foolish to shut-down whatever networks where created just before the Cancun climate circus starts-up

pass the baton, get out of the way, transfer ownership to new foci... but dont dismantle, rest, nurture and prepare for Cancun

its gearing up for a late and hot summer/Fall of discontent and activist networks are needed

as to uniting around a cause, forget values and words, we need radical democracy

take the cue from systems change not climate change and return to a global justice agenda

I am concerned klimaforum is too quiet ? is it working away behind the scenes ? is it preparing a big tent on the scale of Copenhagen ? 

I think the lesson of Klimaforum09 was that there needs to be something like a climate social forum running in parallel

also, far more radical activist to grassroots activism 

see Liberation Permaculture from oakland


or Tony Andersen from Klimaforum09

I will try to post more of Tony's Klimaforum talk, more about Liberation permaculture...


On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 10:36 AM, Anna Harris <anna at shsh.co.uk> wrote:

Hi Mark,

I agree with you to keep CJA going and find a common banner to unite under at a local, international and global level, and as Bert says 'we must begin with the issues that are
the core of our lives - housing, food, healthcare, transport,
childcare, 'education' - and begin a process of strategising how people
can assume common control of these fundamental life processes'. 

Only one criticism of the 'Values' you propose to unite us - Secularism

In one sense, secularism may assert the right to be free from religious 
rule and teachings, and the right to freedom from governmental 
imposition of religion upon the people within a state that is neutral on
 matters of belief.  In another sense, it refers to the view that human activities and decisions, especially political ones, should be based on evidence and fact unbiased by religious influence. Wikipedia

Many of us feel a spiritual dimension enriching our lives, and I see no reason why that  should be excluded if we choose share it. Can we define that value as the right to freedom from governmental 
imposition of religion upon the people and so avoid an 'ism'?


On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 11:30 AM, Mark Barrett <marknbarrett at googlemail.com> wrote:

Dear CJA
Unfortunately I shan't be able to make the international climate meeting - which as I understand it is a CJA one? - this weekend in Holland. Anyhow, in terms of future course, this is what I was going to suggest there, if I had been able to afford the journey. 

I would like to suggest CJA definitely does not dissolve (well, at least, not in the sense intended) but rather takes full advantage of its amazingly diverse international reach and radicalism. Definitely we should stay together and we should develop itself strategically as a global network, but I think we should widen our appeal while also staying true to our radicalism. 

With this in mind I strongly believe we should be uniting under one banner that goes beyond, but includes Climate Justice. The sanctity of the environment requires a localisation of political economy, while at the same time globalisation requires a grassroots movement for democratisation / people power with which to transform the increasingly hegemonic forces of state and capitalism. We should set our sights there and put it into the environmental and wider context in one move. 

Therefore we should accept that the seizure, or reclaimation of power by the people in each and every neighbourhood, workplace and/or other institutions across the world is, and always has been the aim of the global justice movement, and we should therefore be brave, and purposefully put ourselves as a group on the line with that express medium to long term aim. 

It may seem like an impossible task but what other alternative is there, and what other network is remotely in a position to work toward that? We may seem dispersed, but we will have allies (aswell as enemies, and those who are unsure of what side to be on) in each and every community - those believing in community, people power and equality, aswell as environmental guardianship are everywhere and we need to join the dots for people to see these are all of a piece. 

So it may seem like an enormous and impossibly ambitious task, but just by making it clear what we stand for, and getting started on it we will be moving forward together and magical things will happen, inshallah. 

Therefore, we should get our politics in order (see below for some suggestions drafted by myself and colleagues in the UK below) and then start organising at whatever scale we feel appropriate to our local conditions (township, city, nation, local neighbourhood) Peoples Assemblies (or whateve you want to call them, for want of a better word, Soviets.. :-) ) and actually begin that process of collective united struggle for the democratisation and ecologification of globalisation. By communicating to each other our successes, failures, needs and what we have to offer - via emails, video blogs, skype conference calls, actual meetings we can then begin to build a genuine solidarity, and really use this and othe international lists, and web services to the amazing purpose to which they lend themselves...

These are extraordinary (and dangerous) times in which anything is possible. Country-wide, worldwide, Europe wide, if we work strategically and do not allow ourselves to dissipate we really can do this now. If not now, when? If not us, who? 

Here in London and the UK some of us have been working on the idea of uniting under the banner of Peoples Assemblies. After occupying Parliament Square for 3 months as "Democracy Village" (with Peoples Assemblies, discussions, decisions and direct actions takling place every day) we were eventually evicted by the Mayor of London. Here a lot of the energy was put into the campaign to get the troops out of Afghanistan, but also the camp was an eco-village, and we were consciously linked, and spoke about in the media, the International community of climate justice activists and the call for PAs that had come, albeit shakily from CJA. Since our eviction the authorities have boarded up the whole of Parliament Square, but Democracy Village Peoples Assembly has been meeting in Victoria Tower Gardens and we are now planning a Democracy Rally and Peoples Assembly in Trafalgar Square in October. We are also calling on the growing domestic anti-cuts alliance to see the importance of decentralised organising in communities, Peoples Assembly structures as both a way of helping one another (and the environment) in the community, resistance to state-capitalist solutions and building the new society all in one go. 

Here are some of the thoughts on PAs, and the idea of Democracy Village, including political ideology that have been put forward in the UK. For an iconic symbol that can be recognised and replicated (and also drawn upon according to local conditions) some people are suggesting blank placards

A. http://www.aworldtowin.net/frontline/BuildPeoplesAssemblies.html
B. Peoples Assemblies and the world we believe they can bring about
Equality - each person is able to speak and be listened to -  there is no elite platform
Difference - we learn from each other's perspectives; we may disagree, but we listen to one another respectfully and our views become refined through the experience  

Solidarity - we are together because we believe in the existence of a common agenda. In spite of our differences, we pursue and find consensus over ideas and shared actions
Sharing - we believe in a society in which sharing and co-operation trump competition. We freely share food and other gifts at our meetings

Secularity - we respect and are happy to learn from different belief systems but are committed to the ideal of secularism
Ecology - we believe in a new, really democratic society with a very low/zero carbon footprint

Self-determination - we struggle for a new kind of freedom based on community nurturing true individuality, and vice versa - "It takes a village to bring up a child"
Democratic Processes: 
(1) Peoples Assemblies make decisions horizontally 

(2) Peoples Assemblies are interested to learn about, try out and embody new democratic practices
Core Aims:
(1) Real Democracy - PAs should find ways to campaign for a really ecological, democratic society at local, national and global levels

(2) Decentralisation - to bring this about sovereignty should be vested at the neighbourhood / community / workplace level
(3) Internationalism - PA communities link up in solidarity and support across the world
(4) Ideals - we are interested to bring about a world based on a Reclaimation of the Commons, Truth, Peace, Sustainability, Justice and Compassion above all things and we are willing to fight non-violently to this end 

(5) Peoples Assembly movement - to bring these aims about we are calling for a movement based on the idea of Peoples Assemblies
(1) local, democratic not private or state led provision of public services (the real third way)

(2) really democratic, people powered globalisation not capitalist or state-led (the real third international)
(3) a new appropriate political economy to match

C. http://gco2e.blogspot.com/2010/08/geoarchy-goal-of-peoples-assmeblies.html
D. http://www.peopleincommon.org/archive/C421.html
Up the global revolution
On 24 August 2010 10:49, Peter / GroenFront! <peter at groenfront.nl> wrote:

Dear friends,  

The next meeting op Climate Justice Action should, in my view , have just one agenda point. Dissolve the network of not. 

Climate Justice Action was formed to mobilise for Copenhagen. In 2009 it was a lively, planet wide network that was powerfull enough to make a stand in the streets of Copenhagen. In all the stress and rush to prepare for that event, we forgot to think about the future of the network itself. As a result many people dropped out after the Copenhagen summit. Discussions at the last two meetings have focused on finding a cause to keep the network alive. The standard recipe of global day of actions was brought up.  But that's not enough to keep people motivated and keep the network alive. 

The meeting in bonn only had 30 people, the next meeting in Holland looks to be even smaller. Tasks taken up  in Bonn haven't been done. 

Apperently the time and energy to keep the network alive isn't there any more. Most likely because the network is missing a concrete common goal. A battle to prepare for. 
I think it is time to face facts, and dissolve CJA as it is at this moment. 

I would be good to keep the mailing list up, to make contacts easier, or maybey organize a conference on Climate justice in Europe. But to keep dragging the burden of an international network would be a mistake. It will drain the time and energy needed elsewhere, and give people the false hope that we are able to mobilise large amounts of activist for future actions. 

I ofcourse hope to be mistaken, and see lot's of angry people at the next meeting to oppose my proposal. If not come over to have a drink at the campfire. I hope anyway to see you all on the barricades , somewhere, sometime. 

Peter Polder  



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"We hear men speaking for us of new laws strong and sweet /Yet is there no man speaketh as we speak in the street.” 

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