Steven Mitchell stevenalanmitchell at yahoo.co.uk
Fri Nov 12 23:54:28 UTC 2010

		G8-G20 2011 in France: CALL FOR AN INTERNATIONAL PREPARATION MEETINGThis meeting will take place in France from November 26 to 28, 2010 
in Dijon. We will send you details by mail, write us at: dissent_fr at riseup.net ( pgp on www.dissent-fr.eu )

Dissent ! Paris

dissent_fr at riseup.net


Despite our repeated attempts to stop their meetings, the heads of 
the most powerful states will meet again for the G8 and G20 in France in
 2011.With the political, economic and environmental context, the
reasons to show our disagreements and alternatives abound.

Another counter-summit?

We are aware that there is an exhaustion in the anti globalisation 
movement, also because we have failed to ( r )evolve ourselves and to 
surprise. In an attempt to find collective responses and a willingness 
to give meaning to this practical politics, some people from the dissent
 spectre organized in the last year a round of discussion in France and 

During this reflexion tour we learned a lot about the internal 
contradictions of the counter-summits movement (See the report "on 
rentre à la maison?"*). For us, it would be a mistake to abandon the 
idea of building a broad international mobilization, which would welcome
  in a self-managed place activists from the left spectre, 
non-activists, people from several European countries. Gathering 
together to oppose ourselves loud and strong against the conflictual 
values of international institutions. 
The concept "counter-summit" truly got "lead in the wings", but we will 
find collectively other ways to belt the necessities of an offensive and
 alternatives, of radicality and widening -  which are our political 

Based on the the conclusions from this round of discussions, we call 
for an international meeting to prepare the 2011 future mobilizations 
against the G8, the G20 and other forms of global domination. Our short 
term goal is to try to escape the pitfalls of the counter-summits 
preparation: division of the political spectre, permanent emergency and 
time pressure, being a bunch of friendly organiser... We want to open a 
space for preparation, which could continue after the events, starting a
 dynamical exchange of activists know-how.
We hope to build bridges between political circles around concrete 
practices of resistance and creation.

In this perspective, we want to propose (among others) to discuss the
 idea of establishing a durable camp that would not be limited to a few 
days during a summit. Our idea is to try to get out of the emergency, to
 provide the means to experiment on a longer term our proposals for an 
emancipatory society, non-hierarchical and self-managed.

We therefore propose to bring our stories, our experiences, our 
political perceptions, our thematic concerns, our types of action, to 
think together on new forms of resistance. Our diversity is our power.




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