[Cja] October 12th + BeyondTalk.net (+CJA site stuf)

david lee david at risingtidenorthamerica.org
Tue Sep 21 17:26:41 UTC 2010

hey folks!

CJA should know that BeyondTalk.net now is totally WANTING any call outs 
for messages to be blasted out- it can go to regions or the entire globe 
(Depending on the scope of the message- check that HERE)


the callouts *CAN* direct folks back to your organization or webpage for 
more information.  this list currently has about 5,000 people worldwide 
who have 'pledged' to take direct action

same note, different medium:
WEB folks?
	I wonder if I can implore you to make two changes to the site if anyone 
has a moment...?

1) make the COP15 gear link to http://whatiscop15.net (this is a 
pseudo-comprehensive visual retrospective on the Copenhagen meetings 
that we made)

2) pop in a small graphic link to the 'Climate Pledge of Resistance' at 
BeyondTalk.net somewhere?  this might be a great way to sort of get a 
lot of folks in the loop.

   ______david.lee______________________aka tanuki!_______
   rising tide north america        | skype: deadlyvine
   confronting the root causes of climate change
   david at risingtidenorthamerica.org | phone: 207.956.0141

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