[dissent-tech] climate working group

Space Bunny lists at j12.org
Mon Sep 27 17:01:29 BST 2004

guy sweeney wrote:

>could we make a working group page for the website
>called G8 climate action please? 
well if noone objects I guess you can add articles.

Some work has been done to put various article into sections to help 
people find stuff. Not sure how your stuff would fit in, much of way 
site is developing is pretty ad hoc. At moment review of material is 
retrospective, i.e there is no need to submit stuff to gathering 
approval before it goes on site but if you can a good idea. Basically 
this a has met with no opposition so fair as things have moved along. 
This will work as long as those with editor access bear in mind need 
it's role for whole of network.

To get editor access you then should send to me or the list your login 
name for the site which you should setup if you have not already, this 
is a personal login not a group one. Each person who wants to edit stuff 
on site should have their own.


actually where I am spotting people who have been involved from login 
names and registered emails I have been upping their admin access level 
so do try logging in http://www.dissent.org.uk/administrator/
one has to login here as well to access editor web interface even if 
logined in via site module box on main pages.

Do be carefull with your access, if in doubt ask. There are various 
layers of access, and it may take a while to work out which one suits 
you to help with pages of site you wish to. We tend to give low level of 
access at first as this means simpler interface that is less overwhelming.

I myself encourage groups in dissent network to set up own websites, as 
well as contribute to dissent.org.uk

>it was proposed in
>our meeting on sunday. i have set up a rise up list so
>it just the page we need. thanks 
do you want this list adding to the working group contact list page?

>also there are apparently some notes on how to use the
>website, upload and modify things etc. please could
>someone send them to me please. as i want to modify
>the roadshow page. 
I not sure if they have been done in any comprehensive way yet.

For now it is just a case of looking at docs for system in general, or 
asking questions on this email list, or catching someone at a gathering 
who may be able to help.


Space Bunny


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