[ENS] Women!

Laura Schwartz laura_schwartz2003 at yahoo.co.uk
Mon Dec 5 21:00:06 GMT 2005

  This is a reminder that Education Not For Sale has an autonomous 
women's campaign. This means that many of us women who are already busy 
campaigning on all the workers rights, global justice and free education 
issues that ENS in general are involved in, are also active in 
campaigning for women's liberation. At the moment we are running campaigns on 
abortion rights, women sweatshop workers, women's rights in the middle 
east and trafficking and asylum. However, these campaigns are in no way 
set in stone, so if you have a good idea for something you'd like us to 
get involved in, then do get in touch.
  Being autonomous does not mean that the men in ENS cannot and should 
not support us or be interested in women's rights issues too (they 
should!) but that women direct this side of campaiging and have full 
control over decisions that are made.
  We are having a women's caucus at the ENS gathering on Dec 10 (this 
saturday) in Leeds. We'll be discussing amongst other things what 
camapigns we want to run on campus next term, what we want to do at Women's 
conference, Mary Partington's camapign for NUS women's officer, and 
anything else that people think we need to get active on.
  Have a look at our founding statement on the ENS website, 
www.free-education.org, email me at laura_schwartz2003 at yahoo.co.uk is you want to 
put your name to it or want to go on our email discussion list so that 
you can stay in touch with what we're up to.
  In solidarity,

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