[ENS] Standing for NUS... with ENS.

Tom Dale tom.e.dale at gmail.com
Wed Dec 7 11:21:45 GMT 2005

Hi again - sorry for the barrage of e-mails as the gathering
approaches; hope to see you there.

I'm writing with more details about standing for an NUS position with
ENS.  The full-time posts elected at National Conference are:
President, National secretary, National treasurer, VP Education, VP
Welfare and VP Further Education.  There are also full-time officers
elected by each of NUS's autonomous liberation campaigns at their
particular conferences: Women's, LGBT, Black Students, Students With
Disabilities and International Students.  And, in addition, there are
twelve part-time executive places.   (For these you get a £200 a month
stipend, plus travel expenses, so you probably have to be a student or
a sabb officer to take it on).  We could probably stand two or three
people for the Block.

If you'd like to ask someone about what taking on a post involves then
it would be a good idea to e-mail daniel.randall at nus.org.uk, who's
currently ENS's NEC member and so has experience of the kind of work
you'd be doing.

If you'd like to stand, or if you're just thinking about it, please do
get in touch - definitely don't feel like you can't try for something.
 There'll be elections at the gathering, and you can nominate right up
until the hour.  However, it'd be appreciated if you got in touch in
advance with me or Dan (e-mail address above), even if you're not
sure.  Nominations for NUS Conference close in late January, but it'd
be good for everyone to get a chance to talk wiht ENS candidates. 
We'll sendout an e-mail some time in the next couple of days with
people who've already expressed interest at the time.



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