[ENS] NUS HE Zone conference - 28-29th October 2009

Chris Marks chrisjmarks at hotmail.com
Wed Oct 14 18:42:57 UTC 2009


Hiya guys.


I'm off to this fun-packed scum-fest at the end of the month.


Highlights include a keynote speech by the Tory shadow minister for Universities and Skills and an after-dinner speech by the VC of Buckinghamshire New University.... when will people realise that any more hesitation to disaffiliate is plain madness.


That said, there are things that can be done. There are plenary's on Course Closures and speeches by Sally Hunt. There are also some workshops, but they are predictably on minimally controversial subjects such as PGR supervision.


There are also elections for Zone committees which I guess I should go for.


Please comment on stuff that you reckon we should be doing here. Also, if you have any ideas of how to stop one from killing themselves during the weekend they will also be most welcome.


You can find the whole grotesque agenda here: http://resource.nusonline.co.uk/media/resource/ZC09HIGHERAGENDA_1.pdf


In Solidarity,




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