[g8-sheffield] Re: [ssf] Agenda and Minutes of last meeting for g8-Sheffield meeting, 16th March

Dave Havard deacondave at onetel.com
Fri Mar 11 08:44:02 GMT 2005

noone noone wrote:

>  I dont understand the need for a 'statement of non-violence', i find 
> that all it does is help the media create some sort of division 
> between the different groups of protestors.  Surely it is up the 
> individual to decide how non-violent they are and what constitutes 
> violence and non-violence.  For example for some people damage of 
> property is ok for others it isnt, it doesnt mean that you have to 
> write a statement - which by the way will end up being used by the 
> media to create a division between yourselves and other possible 
> groups of protestors.
>  Would it not be far better that instead of talking to the media about 
> wether of not you are going to be violent you should talk to the media 
> about wether or not the G8 are going to give the aid they promised and 
> stop making war in far off lands.
> from
> cuthbert
Hi Cuthbert,

At the G8 in Kananaskis the main media story ahead of the event was all 
the violence and mayhem the protestors would cause, just as is now being 
reported in Scotland.  We all agreed in meetings ahead of time that 
there would be no violence.  It was agreed that it would be pointless 
and counterproductive.

Consequently the main media stories were initially about the lack of 
violence but that was boring so then they had to move on to the issues 
we were discussing.  We had brought spokespeople in from Africa to talk 
about the impact of neo-liberal policies on their countries.  We got 
huge coverage all over Canada for those issues.

There will be a huge military build up surrounding these conferences.  
We cannot achieve anything useful by violent means.  All we do is give 
the media an excuse to rubbish us and the police an excuse to lock us up 
and beat us up.  If people want to try violent tactics that is their 
choice but they should do it well away from those who want to be 
peaceful so as not to endanger other people.  We as an organisation 
should certainly declare our intentions to stay peaceful, although we 
cannot be held responsible for what develops.  We should not try to 
police others actions unless they are putting us in danger.

In peace,

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