[g8-sheffield] Flyer and theatre...

Dan dan at aktivix.org
Thu Mar 31 16:09:18 BST 2005

Hia M and others,

1. Moz: can you forward the original doc  - you haven't spell checked 
and some of the grammar's a bit wibbly.  Terribly middle-class of me to 
be worried about that kind of thing, but there you are.  Good choice of 
poster, though - looks good in B&W.  (Failing that, I'll just send you 
some text...)

2. On blind protest.  Totally agree that we don't want the media 
focussing on it but

a. People will protest. Which is good - acting autonomously, yes?

b. The idea of theatre kept on being floated, as did how to use the 
Section 14 playpen that the police will give us.

Using that space for an *actual* theatre production is really growing on 
me.  We could do a dramatisation of the outsourcing of terror, using a 
very small amount of space to -

1. Watch someone in Uzbekistan / Syria / Egypt / another torture holiday 
camp being 'interrogated' and giving names.
2. Watch as spooks arrest the named people and
3. Put em under house arrest, based on evidence garnered under torture.

Or someone mentioned doing the theatre version of Animal Farm.  Might be 
worth reading through this and adapting - but we want to do something 
that will get points about Terrorism and fear across, if we do this. 

worldwarfree at riseup.net wrote:

>Last night i was on the verge of walking out of the meeting.. b4 the meeting i
>simply stated i feel there is little or no point in any protest on the 15 to 18
>june.. but wee need to hold a counter confrance takeing there agenda and
>placeing our alternative.. holding a press confrance each day.. b4 the main
>event we can seek permishon for a march from a to b.. non permsihon for actions
>aginst those who are bringing the g8 to sheffield.. this i feel will highlight
>more what and why the g8 is here in sheffield.. ill do the task i have said ill
>do.. ill be there next week.. but i have the very real feeling others walked
>home last night feeling the same.. it would be a shame for nothing to happen
>agreed.. but i seek peace not conflict.. i feel very strongly if we hold events
>on the very days we are seeking conflict.. our message and opersition will be
>lost.. the masses will just see us as lunitic protesters againe..
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>g8-sheffield at lists.aktivix.org

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