[g8-sheffield] Re: g8-sheffield Digest, Vol 3, Issue 19

worldwarfree at riseup.net worldwarfree at riseup.net
Mon May 16 13:55:35 BST 2005

Quoting IAN WALLACE <ian.wallace15 at btopenworld.com>:

"Helicopters will hang over head for days on end". Yes, I suppose they will. I
HATE that noise. Does anybody know where I can buy shoulder launched ground to
air missiles?

we have a few spare.. no jokeing or was i? ian your thoughts on the proposed
flyer by e mail any comments etc would be cool.. we aim to talk about this
proposed flyer at the meeting wed and take to the printers thursday and ready
for posting letter boxes as soon as possible.. so your thoughts any other
thoughts from people would be cool..


ps i have been told the

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