[HacktionLab] Flakey.INFO Wiki

Mike Harris mike at slackmail.co.uk
Wed Oct 8 10:47:35 BST 2008

Hi All,

I've been working to convert the web site http://flakey.info into a Wiki
to try to open it up a little and encourage other contributions.  Here's
my progress so far:


User = flakeyinfo, password = dodgystuff

Am after anyone who fancies helping out on either the arduous task of
converting and checking the existing articles or fancies contributing
some new material.

The original site was started back in 2002 with Dave Gough's articles on
building various different wireless antennae and it's gone from there
but mainly contains articles that either Dave or I wrote.  This is fine,
but it would be great to input from others.

The idea is that it should be an open project, with each article being
reeased under GNU Free Documentation Licence or a Creative Commons
alternative and be copyright the original author under that licence.

I welcome any input and feedback.




Mike Harris
Mobile UK: +44 (0) 7811 671 893
PGP: http://mbharris.co.uk/mike.gpg.pub

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