[HacktionLab] web2.0 intro guides

planet-mail at aktivix.org planet-mail at aktivix.org
Fri Aug 14 10:56:03 BST 2009


here's the intro guides to web2.0 stuff that i promised

Participatory Learning And Action
Volume 59, Number 1, June 2009

Web 2.0 tools and approaches are radically changing the ways we  
create, share, collaborate and publish digital information through the  
Internet. Participatory Web 2.0 for development - or Web2forDev for  
short - is a way of employing web services to intentionally improve  
information-sharing and online collaboration for development. Web 2.0  
presents us with new opportunities for change - as well as challenges  
- that we need to better understand and grasp. This special issue  
shares learning and reflections from practice and considers the ways  
forward for using Web 2.0 for development


As I said, it's angled towards participatory development field,  
there's lots of interesting articles describing use and evaluation,  
but they key bits are the intro guides which give a basic overview of  
the following:

     * Blogging
     * Micro-blogging and Twitter
     * Wikis
     * Online social networking
     * RSS feeds
     * Tagging
     * Social bookmarking
     * Glossary of Web 2.0 terms

It's available as pdf - either the whole issue here:

or individual sections here:


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