[HacktionLab] List of suggested ammends to booking form and site

yossarian yossarian at aktivix.org
Sun May 2 16:14:32 BST 2010

Mike Harris wrote:
> Hi Yoss,
> As promised, I got a few ammends for the sign-up.  As requested they're
> all in a single email.
> After those are done, do you reckon we is fit to go live?
> 0.  I've been writing it BarnCamp, rather than Barncamp.  What does
> everyone prefer?  I think we ought to be consistent....
> 1.  The workshops selection and listing isn't needed.  I think we want
> to use it to gather information about which workshops to run, rather
> than to take bookings for them.   So I think for the initial
> registration can we stick to just the 'expression of interest in a
> workshop'.  At a later date, if we need to take bookings, could we then
> email out to people who expressed an interest to get them to sign up?

I tried to follow the discussion re: workshops on the list, and it seems
like it ended up that there's no need to actually have a workshop
booking system but that it might be nice if people offering workshops
could see in advance where there was most interest, yes?  I've put this
text on the form:

    "workshops will be organized on an informal basis during the camp
    itself, there's no need to sign up to them, and you can organize one
    on the fly at the camp if you want.  However, if you'd like to
    express your interest in any of the following workshops which people
    are offering, it might help them plan things out better."

Any suggestions there, or if I should just take workshops out entirely,
just let me know. Apologies if I got this wrong.
> 2.  On the registration form under the workshops section, please can we
> change the wording: "In order for us to determine which workshops are
> suitable for running at this year's BarnCamp, please choose any from the
> list below that interest you.  We will email you to confirm the
> workshops that we actually run nearer the time."
See point #1 reply above.

> 3.  Under the open space section, we need more of an explanation.
> Here's some text, please ammend as you see fit:
> "At this year's BarnCamp in addition to eight hours of programmed
> workshops, we are intending to have six hours of 'open space' sessions,
> or BarCamps (link to barcamp.org hacktionlab page at ).  The final
> content of these sessions will be detmined on the day by those that are
> there.  If you've any suggestions for a session, something you'd like to
> present, demonstrate, discuss or find out more about, please use the
> space below to tell us."

> 4.  Let's ditch the 'Non drinker' checkbox.  I think it's kind of
> uncecessary and offputting.

> 5. In the thank you email, I suggest we re-word the message to:
> "Dear ????,
> We've received your signup for Barncamp 2010.
> Thanks for that.
> Just to note, your confirmation id is: 1D4183
> Thanks for signing up!
> To keep abreast of planning and development of this year's HacktionLab,
> or to get involved in helping to organise it, please join our mailing
> list at http://tiny.booki.cc/?hacktionlablist
> If you need to contact us about BarnCamp 2010, please email us at
> barncamp at hacktivista.net
> Please make a note of this phone number for queries about how to arrive
> (only operational between the 10th and 13th June):  0777 632 6315"

Done. Are people actually receiving these emails, or am I right in
thinking that the box's mailserver config isn't set up properly (bad
relay or something) and that I should talk to some kind of server admin
person to fix that?

> 6. On the payment page we should say:
> "We need to cover the costs of the event and ask a pre-payment amount of
> 25 to cover costs.  This amount rises to 35 if you pay on the door."
> "You can make payment by either using the PayPal button below, or if you
> prefer, please send cheques payable to 'HacktionLab' to:
> HacktionLab
> c/o OARC
> East Oxford Community Centre
> 44b Princes Street
> Oxford OX4 1DD
> We need to receive your payments by the 1st June 2010.

> 7. It would be good to have an information page with contact details:
> * Where is it?  A link to
> http://hacktivista.net/hacktionlab/index.php/Highbury_Farm

> * Contact?  Link to the list signup at
> http://lists.psand.net/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/hacktionlab and the
> email address barncamp at hacktivista.net


> * How to pay again?  Details about how to send in cheques and a link to
> the paypal button, in case people missed it the first time.

> 8.  Children are welcome, but please help us by arranging childcare for
> them whilst you are attending workshops.  They are welcome to eat, but
> it would be great to have a small donation from you to cover our costs.
>  We don't currently have anyone organising creche facilities, if you
> think you could help with this, please tick this box.
> 9.  Need an animals policy written up somewhere, perhaps just the wiki
> page will be fine.  We're waiting on HF for their take on this.

I've used Mick's suggested working re: children, I can put pet text up
when that's available.

Is this everything?  Shoot more feedback my way if more changes are
needed.  It's sometimes difficult to pick out concrete tasks from the
flow of the list, so apologies if I've missed anything or misunderstood it.

Sorry for taking a couple days to implement this stuff, I had a benefit
gig for a friend on Friday night and Mayday yesterday.  I have also
taken a crack at changing the PayPal parameter sent. I'm now using the
"item_name" parameter instead of "item_number", maybe it'll help.  The
PayPal docs seemed to suggest that using a "custom" parameter wouldn't
work as that's only for payments, not donations, although I may have
read that wrong.

See you all soon!


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