[HacktionLab] progress on registration form

ben at bristolwireless.net ben at bristolwireless.net
Fri May 14 10:06:13 BST 2010

Quoting "Mike Harris" <mike at mbharris.co.uk>:

> Tis done https://hacktivista.net
> Sketchy self-signed cert at present, but requested one from StartSSL.
> For the registration, I'm not sure, that's one for Yoss.  One of the
> issues with SSL used to be that one could only have one SSL enabled web
> server instance running per IP address.  Therefore you couldn't have two
> sites that shared the same IP both being SSL enabled.  I haven't looked
> into this for several years now, anyone know if that's still the case?

This has actually never been the case, though there's plenty of web  
pages to tell you it's technically impossible. I don't know where  
people get off on this one, scheeze. Well, this isn't that true, you  
need to use TLS rather than SSL.

What is impossible is to have more than one SSL certificate per IP on  
an Apache webserver using the dodgy SSL implementation (mod_ssl).  
GnuTLS has supported this for a long while though.

The debian package libapache2-mod-gnutls has gnutls for apache2  
(mod_gnutls). To get the module up do "a2enmod gnutls" then "a2dismod  
ssl". The set up is different to the usual mod_ssl, you'll need to  
look it up. The configs MIGHT look something like this:

     ServerName v1.example.org:443
     GnuTLSEnable on
     GnuTLSCertificateFile /etc/pki_custom/certs/v1.example.org.crt
     GnuTLSKeyFile /etc/pki_custom/private/v1.example.org.key
     DocumentRoot "/var/www/v1/public_html"

 From Ben Green
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