[HacktionLab] FYI: Carbon Techie Weekend - 30th/31st October - London

Charlie Harvey charlie at newint.org
Thu Oct 7 10:38:33 BST 2010

Hash: SHA512

Might be of interest to tech/activist/climate folks.

- -------- Original Message --------
Subject: Carbon Techie Weekend - 30th/31st October - London
Date: 	Wed, 6 Oct 2010 21:58:59 +0100
From: 	Sam Smith <s at msmith.net>

hey all,

In the last weekend in October, 10:10, the Guardian and Rewired State are
running a techie Hack Weekend - where they'll be creating ideas and building
interesting display/interactive/engagement projects for carbon and
energy data.

For example, you could create interactive displays showing when your local
airport is in breach of air pollution levels and noise levels.
Or  - you could create a display to help decide when to run your laptop off
the mains or the charged battery - depending on whether the wind was
blowing or
coal was being burnt to supply electricity to the national grid.

The weekend is about imagining better than this - and then building
solutions like the ones mentioned in this Guardian article below.

ECF members and their organisations are some of the types of people who
might be interested
in coming along - it's not pure techie, but includes all the stuff that
need to go round a good web
based project. Also, we're happy for groups to come in and do their
thing as a part - many campaigning
groups have interested volutneers with tech skills, but which don't
really get used that well.
This is an opportunity to let your supporters/volunteers see what
they're interested in doing
working autonomously together in a supportive environment.

We're also really happy for people who want to come along and work on
their own carbon/energy stuff too.
(for those who like the idea, but don't do carbon/energy/climate stuff,
RewiredState.org <http://RewiredState.org> runs a variety of
similar days on different topics).

Happy to chat if you think it might be interesting.

(email: sam at rewiredstate.org <mailto:sam at rewiredstate.org>, IM:
s at msmith.net <mailto:s at msmith.net>)

(text to forward or include bits in a newsletter or similar)

*Rewired State: Carbon and Energy Hack Weekend*
*October 30, 2010 - October 31, 2010
@ the Guardian Offices - *


Wanted: internet and computer developers with a planetary conscience.

Climate change, dwindling resources, ecosystems collapsing … the world has
got itself into quite a mess - so we need all the best human brains working
on this - and that means you!

Brought to you by Rewired State, 10:10 and the Guardian, the carbon and
energy hackday weekend on October 30/31 will give tech developers a chance
to apply their skills for the greater good.

On 5th October the Guardian reported that government buildings will be
installing live energy meters.

But this is only the beginning of what's possible.  Join us for a weekend of
experimentation and info sharing on how we can mix transparency with
technology to help us reduce our energy levels.  There will be loads of new
and exciting features  to work with, including live energy feeds from
government buildings, a ridiculously comprehensive breakdown of UK emissions
and a Honda Prius dashboard (touch screen control panel) - which can be
potentially used to display any information at all.

There will be free food, drink, crazy ideas, interesting collaborators and
comfy space in the Guardian office.


or email sam at rewiredstate.org


- -- 
Talk does not cook rice
        - Chinese Proverb

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