[HacktionLab] info on workshops and hack session for 2011 barncamp

m3shrom at riseup.net m3shrom at riseup.net
Thu Apr 21 10:17:30 UTC 2011

hi there,

Here's my attempt at writing something for the invite about workshops /
hack sessions. It may get revised but I wanted to email you people on the
hacktionlab list as...

It would be great if people could add proposed workshops to the wiki - I
think that really helps build a bit of a buzz.

nice one!

>> What Activities & Workshops to expect?

To get an idea of what may happen, at last year's BarnCamp there were over
20 activity sessions over 2 days. Here are some

* Renewable energy: 12 volt theory & practice
* Email security - strictly for non-techies
* Food foraging, rocket stove and other outdoor-like workshops
* Citizen video journalist workshop
* Using a Sling Shot
* Free software desktop publishing with Scribus and Inkscape
* Audio recording, editing for podcasting with free tools
* How to get Ubuntu running on your laptop quick and simple
* Media aggregation websites

Due to the success of last year we are extending the event to be three
days and adding in longer ‘hack sessions’.

> Hack Sessions:
On the first day we are running Hack Sessions. Hack sessions are an
opportunity for people to getting together and work on a bigger project.
The project could be a technical one, or it could be about strategy,
writing, design, building something, whatever. We use the word 'Hack'
because it a more informal way of exploring a subject than a Work Session.
For us, to Hack is to playfully break apart something to help to
understand it more. It's a chance for a group of people to be all together
in the right space at the same time and share knowledge of something.
For more info go here.

> Workshops:
Last year we kept a lot of space open for people to rock up and deliver
workshops spontaneously in a BarCamp style. We are going to do the same
this year too – but it is really useful to have some workshops already
listed. It gives people an idea of what they are signing up for and allows
the people who are delivering them a bit of time to think about what they
are going to do too.

> Sign up to do a Workshop:
Please do sign up to deliver a workshop if you can.

> More Info on Workshops:
Or if you want to contact us directly with a suggestion or question please
sign up to the email list
Or email barncamp at hacktivista [dot] net

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