[HacktionLab] advice re file uploading

yossarian yossarian at aktivix.org
Sun Apr 24 09:26:27 UTC 2011

Hi everybody,

Sorry for sending this to three lists but I'm interested in a wide range
of opinions about the web publishing process - when I say that, I mean
the process of, say, creating an a piece of content on a blog, indymedia
site, vimeo, youtube, etc.

I'm currently nearly done with upgrading Hyperactive to Rails 3, and the
file uploading methods used in the old version don't work with the new
code.  This means I'm going to need to build a new publishing system, so
I might as well try and do it right, get some feedback on what people
like, don't like, etc.

There is a proposed publishing workflow at
if anyone is interested - I'd be interested to see what sort of feedback
people have.

I've got time to actually code it today probably (the new front-page
looks amazing and I want to get it into production as soon as possible),
so this is not going to be a particularly long, drawn-out discussion :).
Maybe it'll be interesting though to see what thoughts people have on
the state of web publishing, specifically around file uploading.

I hope everybody's enjoying the sun as much as me,


ps for anybody interested, the new London frontpage design, which I
secretly suspect will become the new Hyperactive default, can be seen
here, comments welcome:


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