[HacktionLab] advice re file uploading

Garcon du Monde gdm at fifthhorseman.net
Sun Apr 24 11:51:17 UTC 2011

hey yoss,

On Sun, Apr 24, 2011 at 10:26:27AM +0100, yossarian wrote:
> There is a proposed publishing workflow at
> http://projects.escapegoat.org/projects/hyperactive/wiki/PublishPageProposal
> if anyone is interested - I'd be interested to see what sort of feedback
> people have.

it sounds good :-)

the one additional point might be to have some kind of way of picking up
a draft - say, because you lose internet connection (e.g. wireless, or
your laptop battery goes flat) before you've finished writing. i don't
know how easy it would be to have auto-saves every 5 minutes or
something, or maybe to just have a 'save draft and return later'

i look forward to seeing it in action!



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