[HacktionLab] online storage on email [was something else]

enjoyeverymoment at riseup.net enjoyeverymoment at riseup.net
Wed Aug 3 16:04:43 UTC 2011

I was on gmail and had the same kind of query/predicament
The answer for me and I believe for most people you get used to anything
is to rely on things like gmail less and where possible save things as you
go along so there is less need for sudden time consuming tasks.
Day to day I think this is a answer for everything, to improve our living
method and actually forget a lot of things. Riseup's limited space is only
when compared to gmail, otherwise in my mind now I email each day as it
comes and if I really appreciate something. I copy and paste it, tag it
and bag it and eventually this means having external storage that I can
use with any laptop (I actually have a external drive that copies onto 2
hard drives simultaneously like a Raid 0/mirroring system. That way it's
not tied to a laptop or email system or anything other than keeping it in
a physical sense.
I believe my chaotic lifestyle was better adjusted this way and the fact
that riseup and these things don't allow you to go so loose or crazy with
shotgunning data making you concentrate or be confindent many things can
be found online anyway.

Make the jump! Just like jumping into water in a swimming pool you will
easily and slowly normalise it's temperature to yours. Or in the data
sense have better management or forget/ignore saving or talking so much on

This bit of text for example might go in the 'email recommendations file'
and then when I go back there one day to organise it I might find I can
merge those docs I've said to people along the way.


> So I use gmail a lot of the time - I admit it. I also did bad things to
a horse once. So sue me.
> Here's my impression of why it's hard to get people to switch. Kind of a
devil's advocate thing for things which might come up in real life.
> ---/
> What is the alternative? aktivix and rise up have very limited email
quotas. Maybe they suit people who stay at home all the time, whose
computer never breaks down, who know how to make email back ups and
merge them etc. But how hard is that?
> If you have a bit of a chaotic lifestyle surely gmail is your best bet?
> What skills and organisation would you have to have to do things
differently? How long would it take to learn.
> Case Study - My laptop is behaving strangely and I've 2 years of aktivix
email which isn't backed up. I also want to be able to search email
previously stored in yahoo which I don't use a lot. And I have a gmail
account I'd like to stop using. I'm getting a new netbook with limited
space on it. I want to be good and want to start again.
> What's the best plan for me?
> (this is actually a real case for me)
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