[HacktionLab] illustration for tech tools booklet

Ben Green ben at bristolwireless.net
Tue Dec 27 00:51:33 UTC 2011

Quoting Eleanor Greenhalgh <nor at riseup.net>:

> Hi all,
> I'd like to contribute some illustrations to the new tech tools booklet,
> if such a thing would be appreciated. Gets me off the laptop and out of
> trouble. I haven't been involved in doing the booklet so far though, and
> can't make it to the next meeting, so am out of the loop.
> What do ppl working on the booklet reckon is the best way for me to
> contribute files?

That's fantastic, thankyou.

I think up load them to the wiki.

If higher quality copies are too large for this, then we need a way  
you can get files to us, we'll sort that out later.

 From Ben Green

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