[HacktionLab] Fwd: [Newmedia] Fwd: Web server/host advice - as discussed

mick fuzz mickfuzz at clearerchannel.org
Sat Jul 2 19:23:33 UTC 2011

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Donnacha DeLong <donnacha.delong at talktalk.net>
Date: Sat, Jul 2, 2011 at 10:53 AM
Subject: [Newmedia] Fwd: Web server/host advice - as discussed
To: New Media list <newmedia at journonet.co.uk>

Any suggestions?


-------- Original Message --------  Subject: Web server/host advice - as
discussed  Date: Fri, 1 Jul 2011 11:42:14 +0100  From: newsphoto
<john.jones at newsphoto.co.uk> <john.jones at newsphoto.co.uk>  To:
donnacha.delong at talktalk.net


As discussed:-

If anyone on the new media elist can offer suggestions, I'll happily
forward them on to the chap concerned.

In the interim, I've pointed him at a couple of similar blogs, that
also raise hackles elsewhere, and suggested he confer with their owners
over possible hosts.

Many thanks


> One of our members who writes a local news blog has run into
> difficulties over the hosting of his website.
> Someone whose dodgy motor trade dealings he's exposed, has complained
> to the website hosts, who look set to pull the plug.
> Can you recommend a server/host/thingy (whatever is the appropriate
> terminology) that will show a bit more backbone? Maybe somewhere
> abroad, that will be more resistant to pressure in the UK?
> Any suggestions welcome.
John Jones
Secretary, NUJ East Yorkshire Branch
Email: john.jones at newsphoto.co.uk
Tel: 01482 632366

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