[HacktionLab] foto and video documentation

Adelayde Skidmore adelayde at riseup.net
Wed Jun 1 08:41:23 UTC 2011

> I'm not sure about the editing bit. For one thing, I have yet to find an
> open source program that actually allows me to spend more time editing
> than trouble shooting, so I've been sucked into using Macs. And the
> other issue would be a lack editing machine (my netbook would probably
> break up with me should I try to edit on it.) If people would be
> interested in something like Final Cut, I could see if I can find a
> computer, but I'm not sure whether it would really fit with the spirit
> of things?
I can make my MacBook, and an old PowerBook G4, available to use for
editing using FC or iMovie.  I bring an old Sony mini-DV camera to add
to the mix... Also I know that Richard and Hamish are coming and
obviously have some video workshop plans afoot...?
>  Maybe someone else has been more successful using open source
> software and wants to do some editing bit? I'd love to find something
> that works reliably!
It was in 2003 that I was involved in a Cinelera workshop and since then
I've on and off tried to use the stuff, but in short, imho open source
video editing software sux!  /me notes that I've never bothered to
volunteer to get involved and improve any of it either....
> As for what the video would be for (just saw Pete's mail), dunno, I'm
> guessing general documentation of what's happening and maybe having some
> fun too?
to ditto what Penguin said, a short video mash up about BarnCamp would
be excellent (a perhaps even a short video of Penguin being mashed-up at
Barncamp) - say a 2 minute 'trailer' that we could use to promote it ...

is anyone coming early, like Wednesday, that could take some footage of
us getting on site initially and getting stuff set up?  that might be
good to document....
> Mara
> p.s. laser tag would be awesome!
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