[HacktionLab] foto and video documentation

Ben Green ben at bristolwireless.net
Wed Jun 1 10:26:36 UTC 2011

Quoting Adelayde Skidmore <adelayde at riseup.net>:

> It was in 2003 that I was involved in a Cinelera workshop and since then
> I've on and off tried to use the stuff, but in short, imho open source
> video editing software sux!  /me notes that I've never bothered to
> volunteer to get involved and improve any of it either....

I reckon Kdenlive is rockin' it these days. They are fixing bugs and  
adding features at an alarming rate. We created the last BarnCamp film  
with it, and I'm up for helping with this one too, if it's on  
Kdenlive. I totally appreciate that people might still think it sux  
and will want to use immoral freedom crushing corporate software  
instead. ;)


 From Ben Green

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