[HacktionLab] foto and video documentation

mara mara at aktivix.org
Wed Jun 1 11:23:41 UTC 2011

On 01/06/11 11:31, mick fuzz wrote:
>> I reckon Kdenlive is rockin' it these days. They are fixing bugs and adding
>> features at an alarming rate. We created the last BarnCamp film with it, and
>> I'm up for helping with this one too, if it's on Kdenlive. I totally
>> appreciate that people might still think it sux and will want to use immoral
>> freedom crushing corporate software instead. ;)
> I do think that it's good to test out the usability of Linux video
> editing software each year for a couple of hours or so before
> dismissing it yet again as hopelessly buggy and unusable and returning
> to the dark side of the force. I would look forward to doing that
> again this year!

Cool, is someone up for doing a kdenlive session? (as that was mentioned
most) We could do something on Sunday, and try and collect footage
before. Does anyone who has worked with it have any experience in terms
of what formats work well with it? We could do some transcoding before
hand, to try and not already run into problems when importing video.
There will probably be some HD cameras, and working with HD really slows
things down, so preparing a footage pool with a more reasonable
resolution might be worth the effort and make it more inclusive for
people with slower machines.

I'd be very much up for giving it a go!


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