[HacktionLab] foto and video documentation

mick fuzz mickfuzz at clearerchannel.org
Wed Jun 1 10:31:27 UTC 2011

> I reckon Kdenlive is rockin' it these days. They are fixing bugs and adding
> features at an alarming rate. We created the last BarnCamp film with it, and
> I'm up for helping with this one too, if it's on Kdenlive. I totally
> appreciate that people might still think it sux and will want to use immoral
> freedom crushing corporate software instead. ;)

I do think that it's good to test out the usability of Linux video
editing software each year for a couple of hours or so before
dismissing it yet again as hopelessly buggy and unusable and returning
to the dark side of the force. I would look forward to doing that
again this year!

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