[HacktionLab] South West Activist Training

llanos gorditazz at aktivix.org
Mon Jun 6 22:00:39 UTC 2011

Thought this could be of the interest of few on this list. There  
doesn't seem to be any link to a website, email address or any way to  
get in touch. I'll find out and let you know, cheers


* South West Activist Training :
A learning Space, Conference - skill shares, trainings, workshops, discussion

2 days, Bristol, Mid October 2011


would you be interested in taking part, to come together, learn about
and share skills and tactics used for social change and environmental
justice, in a space that encourages discussion and participation?

The organisation of this is in its early stages. Some of us have put
together a draft proposal (attached) and includes ideas for skill
shares and trainings and a statement for how we would like to
work.This list is not exhaustive if you want to add to it, offer a
workshop and or help organise the days and shape them or offer ideas,
please let us know.

And here is a questionnaire for you:

a)would you or/and groups you work with like to attend?

b)would you like to offer a workshop?

c)would you like to be part of organizing it, soon, later, or just on day
      and in what way?

d)and can you come to the first organizing meeting?
      Thursday 9th June at 7pm at Cafe Kino.

thanks for reading,

please pass on ta X

Attachments:South West Activist Training Day
Mission Statement

There is a diverse and multifaceted range of activist groups within  
Bristol and
the South West all struggling for a better world.  There is however a need to
come together to learn from each other, share skills, discuss tactics and
develop our methods.  This is a proposal for two days of workshops using
popular education as an influence.

These workshops could include:
Media training:
Article writing
Press release tips
Key messages
TV and radio training
Media networking

Online Organising
Social media skills
Website design
Online protest

Non-violent direct action training
Legal awareness training
Affinity groups
Where is direct action needed (points of intervention)
Taking care of each other- activist support.

Workshop Training
Ideas for creating and facilitating workshops for a variety of issues
                 o   Popular Education

Publicity Skills
Flyer design
Multiple channel techniques
House style
Effective promotion

Legal training
Judicial reviews
How to fight a case
Legal channels to challenge corporations

International solidarity training
Live link up with activists across the world
Best ways to act in solidarity with global activists
International organising

Activist Art
Radical media
Guerilla advertising
Art for social change

Communication tools and organising group organising.
                 o    Facilitation training
Consensus decision making
Ways of non-hierarchical communicating

However the day will be a realisation of the training needs of the groups that
take part.  If your group has a training need that isn?t on this list, then
please email us with your idea.

Participants agreement:

Based on the People Global Action Hallmarks:
1. A very clear rejection of capitalism, imperialism and feudalism; all trade
agreements, institutions and governments that promote destructive
2. We reject all forms and systems of domination and discrimination including,
but not limited to, patriarchy, racism and religious fundamentalism of all
creeds. We embrace the full dignity of all human beings.
3. A call to direct action and civil disobedience, support for social
movements' struggles, advocating forms of resistance which maximize  
respect for
life and oppressed peoples' rights, as well as the construction of local
alternatives to global capitalism;
4. An organisational philosophy based on decentralisation and autonomy.
The event will be organised in a non-hierarchical, open, and participatory way
and will be inclusive to all individual activists and groups that share these
values of social, environmental and economic justice. However, difference in
methods and perspective within the left should be embraced and used to feed a
vibrant discussion and debate.

Date: mid October
Location: suggestions welcome
Financing: Part sponsored by groups / part by donations on the day.

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