[HacktionLab] Hacktionlab Roadshow

Ben Green ben at bristolwireless.net
Wed Jun 15 18:53:23 UTC 2011

Who's interested in doing these things:

1/ Get more involved with local events and put on HacktionLab workshop
spaces at these events.
2/ Create a space or offer of help at Peace News Camp this year.
3/ Create a space at Shambala this year.

As Mike suggested, this could make a roadshow of sort - or not.

I'm particularly interested in the Shambala aspect. It would be a good  
place to try out the idea, and it's a great festival. Please please  
say if you are interested and how much time you can put in to sorting  
it out. I can put a few days work in between now and Shambala  

Who said they'd ask Shambala? I'll ask soon myself if I can't find out  
who it was.

Also, just pop this in at the end, I enjoyed Barncamp so much.  
Thankyou you're all brilliant!

 From Ben Green

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