[HacktionLab] Hacktionlab Roadshow

llanos gorditazz at aktivix.org
Wed Jun 15 19:27:32 UTC 2011

There's the Green gathering also happening in the Wye valley this year  
at the end of July, that one could be considered if Shambala groups  
are already closed..


Quoting "Ben Green" <ben at bristolwireless.net>:

> Who's interested in doing these things:
> 1/ Get more involved with local events and put on HacktionLab workshop
> spaces at these events.
> 2/ Create a space or offer of help at Peace News Camp this year.
> 3/ Create a space at Shambala this year.
> As Mike suggested, this could make a roadshow of sort - or not.
> I'm particularly interested in the Shambala aspect. It would be a  
> good place to try out the idea, and it's a great festival. Please  
> please say if you are interested and how much time you can put in to  
> sorting it out. I can put a few days work in between now and  
> Shambala personally.
> Who said they'd ask Shambala? I'll ask soon myself if I can't find  
> out who it was.
> Also, just pop this in at the end, I enjoyed Barncamp so much.  
> Thankyou you're all brilliant!
> Cheers,
> ==
> From Ben Green
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